Florida Woman Faces Accusations of Organizing Murder of Ex-Husband, Microsoft Executive

Key Takeaways:
* Shanna Gardner, along with spouse Mario Fernandez, is allegedly implicated in a plot to assassinate her former husband, Jared Bridegan.
* Text exchanges between Gardner and a friend raised suspicion about her involvement in the crime.
* A contentious custody battle may have played a significant role in the motive for the murder.
* Fernandez and Gardner allegedly recruited their tenant, Henry Tenon, to carry out the assassination, with Tenon later admitting to being the triggerman.
* According to the police, a cryptic conversation hinting at Bridegan’s death occurred between Gardner and a friend.

A chilling plot involving a hi-tech murder-for-hire scheme has caught the attention of law enforcement in Florida. Authorities accuse Shanna Gardner, along with her husband Mario Fernandez, of orchestrating the assassination of her ex-husband and Microsoft executive, Jared Bridegan.

Details of the Bitter Custody Battle

The Jacksonville Beach Police Department Detective Chris Johns shared insights from his investigation during Gardner’s bond hearing on May 15th. Johns revealed that the animosity between the divorced couple was due to custody disputes over their two children. The tension escalated to such an extent that Gardner and Bridegan were no longer able to have any direct communication and had to co-parent via the court, Breitbart reports.

Johns added that the investigation unearthed text messages between Gardner and a female friend expressing her animosity towards Bridegan. Further, her conversations implied that she contemplated hiring a hitman to eliminate her ex-spouse. She is reported to have said she wanted to “shut Jared up.”

Accomplice Brought in for the Tragic Killing

Also implicated in this case is Henry Tenon, the couple’s tenant, who was persuaded by Fernandez to participate in the murder plot. According to the police, Fernandez convinced Tenon by promising a hefty investment in a business. Bridegan, a father of four, tragically lost his life in an ambush on a dimly lit road in February 2022.

As per First Coast News, Bridegan’s toddler daughter was present in the car when the murder took place. A Good Samaritan reportedly rescued the traumatized child and took her to safety. Bridegan was found lying near the open driver’s side door with evidence of a damaged tire nearby.

Incriminating Evidence Unearthed

Unsettling text message records and incriminating statements have solidified the case against Gardner and Fernandez. One concerning message from Gardner to a friend reads, “I would love to see him get a lethal injection.” Other exchanges reference “funeral potatoes” and “casserole,” which authorities believe to be codes alluding to Bridegan’s death.

To add another twist to this harrowing tale, Tenon admitted to being the triggerman and pleaded guilty to a second-degree murder charge. As part of a plea agreement, he committed to testifying against Gardner and Fernandez in court.

Gardner’s Reaction and Legal Defense

When questioned by authorities, Gardner provided extensive context and asserted that Bridegan had a manipulative personality. She pointed the investigation towards potential drug deals or gang initiations involving Bridegan.

In a bid to secure Gardner’s release on bond, Attorney Jose Baez has contested the evidence brought forward by the police. He argues that there is a lack of communicative evidence linking Gardner to Tenon. The judge is currently considering this request, as reported by Action News Jax.

The aftermath of this haunting case continues to unravel. As investigators strive to bring justice for Jared Bridegan, this shocking incident serves as a stark reminder of the tragic consequences that bitter divorces and custody battles can lead to.


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