Liam Neeson and Zachary Levi Join Forces in New Thriller ‘Hotel Tehran’

Liam Neeson to Star in ‘Hotel Tehran’

Multiple award-winning actor, Liam Neeson, is all set to star in the much-anticipated action thriller ‘Hotel Tehran’. He will share the screen with Zachary Levi, known for his work in ‘Tangled’ and ‘American Underdog’. The duo’s collaboration is generating noticeable buzz in the film industry.

Guy Moshe Heads the Project

The project is to be helmed by highly acclaimed filmmaker Guy Moshe. His notable contributions to cinema include ‘Holly’, ‘Bunraku’, and ‘LX 2048’. Moshe seems elated at Neeson’s participation in the project. He praised the actor saying Neeson’s performance in this unique role would certainly please his fanbase across the globe.

Neeson’s association with the project was widely welcomed by producer Matthew G. Zamias. Expressing his euphoria, Zamahias extolled Neeson’s extensive body of work, as well as the new life he is expected to bring to the set of ‘Hotel Tehran’.

Screenplay is a Joint Venture

‘Hotel Tehran’s’ screenplay is the outcome of Guy Moshe’s collaboration with Mark Bacci, known for ‘Prisoner’s Daughter’. Their partnership isn’t new, as both worked on the 2022 drama ‘Prisoner’s Daughter’ that starred Brian Cox, Steven Littles, and Kate Beckinsale. Their combined expertise promises a compelling and well-structured narrative.

Drawing on Real-Life Experiences

An added layer of authenticity enhances the uniqueness of ‘Hotel Tehran’. The plot derives from an original concept by Bazzel Baz, who formerly served as a CIA Intelligence Special Operations Group Officer. His first-hand experiences significantly increase the potential for a narrative that mirrors real-world stories.

Team Driven by Commitment

The film’s producer, Wendy Sweetmore, emphasized how dedicated the team is to presenting an accurate representation. She believes having experienced ex-special forces and government intelligence operatives in the team will vastly benefit the film. Touting Neeson’s and Levi’s dedication, she expressed faith in the film’s potential to resonate with viewers.

Assured Global Distribution

Ensuring worldwide exposure, Rocket Science, together with Oakhurst Entertainment, Astral Future, and Dreamtime Films will take care of ‘Hotel Tehran’s’ distribution. This international alliance increases the chances of the thriller reaching a global audience and offering an enriching cinematic experience to viewers across the world.

Setting High Expectations

While details of ‘Hotel Tehran’ plot are still a secret, the film’s stellar cast combined with its skilled creative team promises strong characters and an action-packed thriller. It’s already drumming up interest among fans and film enthusiasts on a global scale. With the experienced team leading the project, ‘Hotel Tehran’ is sure to provide an engaging and thrilling cinematic journey.

An air of anticipation surrounds the project as plans for ‘Hotel Tehran’ begin to escalate. Spectators worldwide are preparing to check into ‘Hotel Tehran’. This star-studded film is certainly one to watch out for in the industry. Filming is set to commence this summer, so stay tuned for more updates on what is sure to be a cinematic tour de force.

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog


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