Speculations Surround New York Mets’ Possible Trade of Pete Alonso by July Deadline

Key Takeaways:

– The New York Mets might turn into sellers for the upcoming deadline, possibly trading their star player, Pete Alonso.
– Despite their potential to reach the postseason, the Mets may need to rethink their strategies, given the intense competition from the Philadelphia Phillies and Atlanta Braves.
– The 29-year-old Alonso, who will be a key free agent this winter, was discussed in last year’s trade talks, in spite of rumors around a huge extension deal.
– Mets’ owner Steve Cohen asserts his intentions to retain Alonso, although a feasible agreement might have to wait until the end of the season.

New York Mets May Consider Selling Assets

As the playoff season edges closer, the New York Mets might have to reassess their strategic prospects. With strong competition from teams like the Philadelphia Phillies and Atlanta Braves in the National League East, the Mets may resort to selling off their assets at the deadline. The possibility of their star player, Pete Alonso, being involved in trade talks has caught the attention of league executives.

Pete Alonso’s Potential Availability and Value

Alonso, the first baseman of the Mets, could reportedly be a part of the trade discussions leading up to the July 30 deadline, says USA TODAY’s Bob Nightengale. Despite the team’s playoff aspirations, Peter Alonso and DH J.D. Martinez have been mentioned in early talks. These baseball operations were led by former GM Billy Eppler and aimed to seal Alonso’s deal through the arbitration season in 2024 and for the subsequent six years.

Alonso’s previous association with Apex Baseball almost resulted in a long-term deal last summer, with an offer as lucrative as seven years for $158 million. Spotrac projects Alonso’s upcoming value at an estimated eight-year deal worth $263 million. The speculated pack is designed to be attractive as it promises significant value against Freddie Freeman’s $162 million deal with the Dodgers.

However, even after a promising offer last year, Alonso remained an important part of trade discussions, most notably with the Chicago Cubs.

New York Mets’ Ownership on Alonso’s Future

“I have always pictured myself as a lifelong Met,” Alonso admitted on MLB on Fox. Before this season, Alonso signed a one-year, $20.5 million agreement with the Mets, successfully evading arbitration. This emphasizes Mets’ owner Steve Cohen’s intentions to keep Alonso in New York, though a deal could have to wait until the current season wraps up.

Speaking on the “Meet at the Apple” podcast, Cohen admitted his support for Alonso exploring his worth, resembling the scenarios with Edwin Díaz and Brandon Nimmo. Cohen intends for Alonso to excel this season, making it a tough choice in the free-agency decisions. He clarified that a player’s achievements would not outweigh the interests of the team.

Aligning with these developments, it seems like the Mets are strategizing for an ahead of time growth plan, aiming to strengthen their footing by 2025-2026. This claim aligns with the revelation from former Mets’ pitcher Max Scherzer last summer about the team’s forthcoming plans. Therefore, the speculations around the Mets being sellers at the trade deadline add up, shrouding the future of Pete Alonso in a cloud of uncertainty.


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