Trade Rumors Abound for NHL Veterans Seth Jones and Mitch Marner

Key Takeaways:

– The Athletic’s Scott Powers discusses a potential trade between the Chicago Blackhawks and Toronto Maple Leafs, involving Seth Jones and Mitch Marner.
– Powers projects that the Blackhawks may not be eager to move Jones, a vital asset to their team.
– The Blackhawks, amidst a rebuilding phase, may not be prepared to invest long-term in Mitch Marner.
– Marner’s extension would demand hefty financial commitment, a risk for Blackhawks at the early stage of rebuild.


With both the Chicago Blackhawks and Toronto Maple Leafs failing to make considerable strides in the recent NHL season, rumors concerning potential player trades have been circulating. Scott Powers, a reporter for The Athletic, has speculated about an unlikely transaction involving the renowned Blackhawks defenseman Seth Jones, and the Maple Leafs’ prolific forward Mitch Marner.

Powers on Blackhawks Not Moving Seth Jones

In a dialogue with readers featured in his May 21 article, Powers shared his insights on the potential shift of the Blackhawks’ star defenseman Seth Jones. While Jones is not considered untouchable by the Blackhawks, Powers suggests the team might be reluctant to let him go.

“Would the Blackhawks trade Seth Jones? Not likely,” Powers remarked. Jones, at 29, is still a force to be reckoned with, and his impact on the Blackhawks is undeniable. As Powers explained, “Getting rid of Jones would create a gap in the roster not easily replaced.”

Powers reiterated that Jones carries the team’s defense with competence, offering the skills and experience vital for Blackhawks’ ongoing rebuilding phase. He also suggested Jones’ contract, despite being substantial, helped position the Blackhawks on the league’s cap floor, which is essential considering the team’s young players moving into their second and third contracts.

Sourcing Marner: Troubling Timing for Blackhawks

As for the possible acquisition of Mitch Marner, Powers affirmed that Marner would be a fitting addition to the Blackhawks’ lineup. Marner has proven himself to be an elite offensive player, boasting attributes that the Blackhawks desire in their future wingmen.

However, Powers emphasized the timing might not be ideal for the Blackhawks to pursue such a player. Emerging from a 52-point season and missing the playoffs for four consecutive seasons, this period of rebuilding might not be the best moment for the Blackhawks to invest heavily in a player like Marner, who is demanding a substantial contract extension.

Powers wrote, “As much as Marner would be beneficial in the short term, the real question lies in whether the Blackhawks are ready to tie in long-term with him.” With an expected increment from his $10.9 million current annual income in his next deal, Marner’s extension might pose a risk that the Blackhawks aren’t ready to take, particularly at the early stage of their rebuilding phase.

In conclusion, while these speculations of a possible trade between the Leafs and the Blackhawks are intriguing, this reports suggests that it might not be a feasible move for the Blackhawks at the moment. As the NHL offseason progresses, it will be interesting to see where these veteran players will land, and how these two teams would maneuver their roster to strengthen their stance in the upcoming season.



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