Is Utah The Next NHL Home for Maple Leafs’ Captain Tavares?

Key Takeaways:

– NHL insider Jeff Marek suggests Toronto Maple Leafs’ John Tavares could potentially fit well with a Utah team.
– Tavares is in the last year of his $77 million contract with the Maple Leafs.
– Though he is subject to trade rumors, Tavares can halt any movements, thanks to his no-movement clause.
– Despite suggestions of a move, Tavares voices his love for playing in Toronto and his colleagues predict him staying.

Marek’s Proposition: Utah a Possible Fit for Tavares?

According to Jeff Marek, an NHL insider at Sportsnet, John Tavares, the Toronto Maple Leafs’ captain, might find a fresh start in Utah. Tavares is clocking the last leg of his seven-year contract worth $77 million with the Maple Leafs. Despite being subject to several trade rumors recently, Tavares controls his NHL fate thanks to his no-movement clause. Marek hypothesizes that Utah could be an attractive destination for Tavares, considering their young roster and potential short-term contracts to offer veterans like him.

On June 10 on The Jeff Marek Show, Marek discussed Tavares’ future. “Utah has a lot of young players, Logan Cooley is an obvious one”, said Marek, hinting that Tavares could help shape these budding stars with his experience and expertise. Marek further expressed that Utah could “offer John Tavares a pretty healthy number on a two-year contract as a way to entice him to waive his no-trade (clause).”

Friedman’s Prediction: Tavares Staying in Toronto?

On the other hand, another NHL insider, Elliotte Friedman, predicts Tavares will stay put in Toronto. He acknowledges Tavares’ power to halt any trade attempts but believes this clause will not be used. “I’m under the impression that Tavares is going to play in Toronto next year,” Friedman shared on The Jeff Marek show.

Tavares’ Toronto Love

In the midst of these swirling rumors, Tavares themselves expressed his adoration for his current team. The 33-year-old star signed with his hometown team on July 1, 2018. Speaking from Team Canada’s World Championships, Tavares confirmed his desire to stay. “I love playing here. It’s a remarkable place to play,” he explained.

Since his signing, Tavares and his team have only won one playoff series, nonetheless, he remains optimistic. He acknowledged the team’s challenges but expressed confidence in their potential to win the Stanley Cup. “Whether it’s (facing) defensive teams, physical teams, whatever’s required, I think we’ve certainly shown a lot of growth in those areas,” said Tavares, displaying a robust faith in his current team.


As Tavares navigates his final year with the Maple Leafs, speculations from industry insiders and his personal sentiments paint an uncertain future. Will Tavares heed Marek’s hint and consider exploring opportunities in Utah, or stay loyal to his beloved Toronto, as Friedman and his heart predict? Only time will tell where this NHL star will call his hockey home in the upcoming season.



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