Update on Former President Jimmy Carter’s Health

Jason Carter Updates on his 99-Year-Old Grandfather’s Condition

Former US President, Jimmy Carter, has been in hospice care for over a year now. His eldest grandchild, Jason Carter, provided a health update to Southern Living recently. At the grand age of 99, Carter now holds the title for the oldest living ex-president in US history. Despite not having his lifelong partner, the late Rosalynn by his side, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate is making the most of his days, Jason shared.

Dealing with the Loss of Rosalynn

In November last, Rosalynn, the former First Lady passed away. After sharing almost 80 years of their lives together, it’s an entirely new experience for the nonagenarian ex-president. She had been 96.

The loss of his wife is still fresh, said Jason. “We have to accept the fact that there are certain aspects of the human spirit that remain unfathomable,” he added. He went onto to assert that understanding the bereavement at such an advanced age is indeed challenging.

Characterizing the State of Carter

When asked about Carter’s condition, Jason confessed he found it hard to describe. He remembered the former president’s response when he himself asked. “He responded with a smile, ‘I don’t know, myself.’ It was a really touching moment,” Jason disclosed.

Carter began his hospice care journey in February 2023. He had been going through a string of short hospital stays, prompting the decision. This arrangement began at his home in Plains, Georgia, following a statement from the Carter Center.

Carter’s Spirit Remains Strong

This year in February, Jason expressed a heartfelt sentiment about Carter’s health to ‘CBS Sunday Morning.’ He stated that although physically he’s not expected to recover, his spirit is defiantly resilient.

By all indications, Carter remains with his family at his home. This update was corroborated by a statement the family shared with CNN.

The Carter Family’s Message

The family, grateful for the love and support they’ve received during this time, issued a statement. In it, they appealed for continued respect for their privacy during this difficult phase. They expressed happiness that Carter’s decision to enter hospice care has sparked nationwide talks on an important topic.

Jimmy Carter’s Inspiring Legacy

Carter’s life as an ex-president has been the longest in U.S history. He’s remained active through his foundation, The Carter Center, which has contributed massively to global health initiatives and democratic developments.

Carter’s steadfast spirit is an inspiration. The fact that he continues to experience life in his own terms, despite his conditions, is nothing short of a miracle.

His enduring legacy will continue to permeate the spirit of America long after he’s gone. The family’s courage in sharing these moments, while also fostering important conversations around hospice care, is admirable.

As updates continue to flow in from the Carter family, the nation watches with bated breath. Here’s hoping that the oldest living ex-President Jimmy Carter keeps touching lives with his spirit and resilience. Every day he fights on is a testament to his amazing willpower and strength. And, through it all, the world gets a glimpse of the authority and character that he continues to hold within him, even at his respectable age of 99.

End of piece.



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