Teen’s Tragic Fall After Police Chase Leaves Bronx Family Clueless

Lost Too Soon in Confounding Circumstances

In the early hours of Sunday, an 18-year-old Bronx resident, Cesar Martinez, tragically lost his life while attempting to escape the police. After allegedly driving a stolen vehicle, which broke down near Broadway and W. 207th St. in Inwood, Martinez sprinted towards the George Washington Bridge along the elevated Henry Hudson Parkway. Unfortunately, Martinez misjudged a gap, which led to his fatal fall onto Riverside Drive below.

Family Struggles with Tragic Loss

The sudden tragedy has left Martinez’s family distraught and searching for answers. His mother, Xiomara Morel, is struggling to come to terms with the incident and her loss. She expressed her confusion and disbelief, voicing many questions about the circumstances surrounding Martinez’s fall after he abandoned the car.

Bronx’s 52nd Precinct Incident

The officers from the Bronx’s 52nd Precinct involved in the incident stated that Martinez was pulled over due to suspicion of driving a stolen vehicle at around 1:30 a.m. However, after the fatal fall, Martinez was rushed to Harlem Hospital where he, unfortunately, succumbed to his injuries.

Unanswered Questions

Morel finds the chain of events perplexing and expressed her doubts, particularly about the last words her son purportedly said to the police, “I’m not going back to jail.” She finds it incomprehensible for him to say such a thing while allegedly fleeing the law enforcement.

Past Encounters with The Law

Family members confirmed that Martinez had a history with law enforcement, yet they insisted he was making efforts to turn over a new leaf. Xihara Martinez, his 19-year-old sister, defended her brother’s character by stating that he was altering his ways and actively trying to distance himself from trouble.

Complications Add to Family’s Distress

Adding to the mystery of Martinez’s unfortunate demise, Xihara received a text from a girl claiming to have been in the car with him during the chase. The text described a sudden pursuit by cops, a crash involving a pole and the police car, followed by Martinez’s escape attempt.

Martinez: The Person Behind The Headlines

Martinez, a resident of the Bronx, lived with his mother, sister, and a 7-year-old brother. He dropped out of Bronx Collegiate Academy and showed a passion for fixing and riding motorcycles and scooters. Martinez’s sister and his girlfriend both portrayed a picture of a young man with a caring and dependable nature.

Grieving and Remembering

In her grief, Morel reminisced about her son who, despite his historic run-ins with the law, always prioritized his family. He was a regular helper in his grandmother’s beauty salon and had dreams of becoming an engineer. His girlfriend spoke of Martinez as a young man who was open with his mother about everything, reinforcing the picture of him as a family-oriented individual.

A Tragic Night Forever Etched in Memory

The tragic evening was etched in the memory of his sister who described the moment when their home surveillance camera last captured Martinez playing with her dog. Speaking of the suddenness of it all, Xihara said that only an hour earlier, he had been sitting with friends at their usual spot, making his loss even harder to comprehend.

This tragic incident has left the Bronx family grappling with a multitude of questions, memories, and the unfillable void left by Martinez’s unexpected and tragic demise. As this story unfolds, the family continues to search for answers surrounding the circumstances that led to their loved one’s untimely death.


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