Ben Affleck Looking for Serenity Amid Divorce from Jennifer Lopez

A Tricky Graduation Day

It’s safe to say Ben Affleck had a rather stern look at his son’s graduation on Wednesday. Arriving alone, away from his wife Jennifer Lopez, his hardened expression seemed like a mirror of the state of his marriage. But don’t be too quick to judge, our boy was looking sharp in a dapper three-piece suit.

Distanced but Not Torn

The “Argo” actor, 51, may have kept some distance during the event from Jennifer, but it’s fair to speculate that he’s handling the situation with respect. The tough news is the couple’s marriage is facing some wear and tear. Still, Affleck remains sober, proving wrong the recent rumors of a relapse into his past alcohol addiction.

Pushing for Divorce

Sounds like Affleck is the one initiating the split, determined to move to the next chapter of his life. Echoing his desire for peace and serenity, sources reveal he’s keen to make this transition as smooth as possible for their kids.

Keeping it Civil for the Kids

The primary focus? Keeping the split low-key for the kids. The Affleck-Lopez brood, consisting of kids aged 18, 15, and 12 and a pair of 16-year old twins have grown attached to each other. Moreover, Affleck, despite the divorce, holds deep respect for J.Lo and is keen to prevent unnecessary pain.

Still Hope on J.Lo’s Side

Jennifer, on the other hand, is seemingly hopeful of a potential reconciliation. As per insider updates, she’s been asking Affleck to reconsider, to give their strained marriage another shot. Their main point of contention? Their disagreement on how much of their lives to broadcast in public. Affleck doesn’t care much for publicity while Lopez basks in it.

Life in a Brentwood Mansion

Affleck has moved out of their $60-million mansion and resides in Brentwood, just two blocks away from his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner’s home. Due to their split, they have put the mansion up for sale. Sources say neither Affleck nor Lopez was smitten with the house despite its mega price tag.

Affleck’s Desire for a Smooth Transition

Supposedly, Affleck is keen on minimizing legal battles and is bent on maintaining a united front, especially for the children. Jennifer Lopez too showed support by attending Samuel’s graduation, despite the tension surrounding their relationship.

The Separation at Public Events

Even at public events, like Samuel’s graduation ceremony, Affleck and Lopez arrived separately. Although they couldn’t muster an affectionate greeting, they managed to maintain their composure and public smiles for the benefit of the cameras present.

Lopez Coping with Both Personal and Professional Setbacks

As they navigate their imminent divorce, Jennifer is grappling with a professional blow too. She has reportedly cancelled her planned summer tour due to underwhelming ticket sales and less-than-stellar reviews for her album.

Timing the Divorce Announcement

While insiders say the divorce is bound to happen, the couple seems to be contemplating the timing for the announcement. Jennifer may just time it perfectly with the revealing of a new Vegas residency or another business venture.

Whatever the timeline for their separation news is, both Affleck and Lopez are treading the path with dignity. Affleck aims for serenity while Lopez hopes for the best. Those dealing with heartbreak could surely learn a lot from their calm amid the storm.


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