Calling All Fortnite Gamers: Stream Your Gameplay Live in UK Casting Call

Heads Up, Fortnite Fans!

Hey, you! Yeah, I’m talking to the one busy planning their next Fortnite victory. How about taking those sharp gaming skills and lively attitude to the next level? A fantastic opportunity is knocking right on your screen. Well, put your controllers down and listen up. There’s a chance to star in a series of live-streamed Fortnite gameplay in the UK.

Dive Into the Details

ETCasting is the powerhouse behind this thrilling opportunity. They’re in search of enthusiastic and skilled Fortnite players. And guess what? You don’t only have to be in the UK. Players from Finland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, and the Netherlands are also welcome to apply. Players from various countries can join this casting call, making this a culturally rich and adventurous experience.

What’s the Job Like?

Being a star gamer in these live streams isn’t just about showing off your Fortnite expertise. Yes, you need to exhibit top-notch gaming strategies, but it’s more than that. Viewer engagement is crucial in this role. You have to interact with the audience and fellow gamers during the streams.

You’ll also work closely with the production team to make the streams smooth and entertaining. But you’re not just representing yourself, remember that! You’d have to strut your stuff while portraying ETCasting and Fortnite in a positive and professional manner!

Got What it Takes?

Before you start packing your gaming gear, you need to check off a few requirements. Firstly, you must know your Fortnite. A good understanding of the game dynamics is crucial. Secondly, you should feel okay with a live audience and be comfortable on camera.

It’s also super important that you have a stable internet connection as well as a gaming setup suitable for live streaming. Availability for scheduled live streams is a no-brainer. Plus, you’d have to showcase your communication skills with your ability to connect with viewers.

The Sweet Reward

Convinced yet? Wait till you hear about the compensation! Each participant will earn a whopping 1500 GBP for their involvement in the series. Now that’s quite a catch for a gaming gig. So, are you game for this thrilling opportunity? If yes, then apply now, and let the games begin!

More Exciting Casting Calls

That’s not all! In casting news, Netflix’s ‘Cobra Kai’ is setting up its season 6 and is hiring right from Atlanta, Georgia. Meanwhile, Miami Swim Week Influencers is setting up shoots in Miami, Florida, and they’re on the hunt for talented individuals. If you fancy spooky stuff, Netflix’s dark and quirky ‘Wednesday’ show is casting for season 2.

In Conclusion

So, what are you waiting for, Fortnite gamers? This is your chance to shine in the Fortnite community by showing off your skills in these live streams. It’s an opportunity to entertain, connect, and even earn! If this sounds like your kind of gig, don’t waste time. Grab your gaming gear, apply now and make the most of this incredible opportunity.

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on



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