Children’s Rights and Parental Concerns: The NY Equal Rights Amendment

Understanding the Equal Rights Amendment

The countdown to the potential vote for New York State’s Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) on November 5 is getting closer. There’s a lot of talk about this amendment, especially around the impact it may have on children. Even though it might not be on the ballot due to some legal stuff, it’s still important to know what it’s all about. Especially, if the governor and attorney general are still in office – then the ERA isn’t going anywhere. For kids’ sake, all voters should be well-informed.

ERA in Focus

The ERA has been suggested to help out more people by expanding their rights and include ‘sexual orientation’, ‘gender identity’, and ‘gender expression’ — even for people under 18. If it’s successful, this could mean courts can say yes to underage people changing their gender medically without parents knowing.

Healthcare Concerns for Transgender Youth

No matter how you feel about healthcare for transgender people, it’s fair to say there are some serious concerns. Questions around the safety and long-term effects of these medical interventions for young people who are thinking about their gender identity are legitimate. This puts both the young people and their doctors in a tricky position. Leading healthcare professionals from around the world have issued warnings about these risks.

Europe’s Changing Stance

Countries across Europe, who were once leaders in transgender healthcare, are now being more cautious when treating young patients. They say that there isn’t enough evidence to confirm the long-term safety of these treatments. In fact, the U.K.’s NHS recently decided to stop using puberty blockers for transgender young people. The Swedish health officials also stated that the risks outweighed the benefits and called for more research into these treatments.

Debate in Treating Youth Gender Dysphoria

It’s tricky to know what’s right when it comes to treating young people dealing with gender dysphoria. Some people are calling for restrictions on transgender kids playing sports and want to rethink how LGBTQ matters are taught in schools. Others believe in free healthcare for these kids and are less in favor of mental health counseling – which some view as harmful in itself.

ERA’s Wider Effects

Even though people might think the ERA is primarily about abortion rights, it actually reaches far beyond that. The amendment also touches on parental rights and pushes a certain perspective of gender. Some kids struggling with sexual identity or mental health are being encouraged to transition to a different gender. Society seems OK with this, as if changing gender is the solution to these kids’ challenges. However, almost 80% of young people with gender confusion stop feeling that way by the time they hit puberty, particularly if they get mental health support.

Controversy Over Affirmation Therapy

In some cases, parents have reported they felt pressured by healthcare professionals to support their child’s decision to transition. Some parents even shared they were asked if they would prefer a “dead son or a live daughter.” Nurse Aaron Kelly, who is a trans man, reported that he was forced to leave his job for questioning a clinic’s hasty approach to immediately providing hormone treatments rather than looking at mental health solutions.

Long-term Effects of Hormone Therapy

Choosing hormone therapy has consequences, and they often can’t be reversed. Around 30% of patients stop treatment within four years and are left with permanent changes, such as infertility. One person who was harmed by this medical treatment pointed out that the science isn’t settled on this issue. These treatments are still experimental and the long-term effects are only starting to become clear.

Overlooked Parental Involvement

The ERA could give kids the power to undergo physical changes, but the science to back this up just isn’t there. Bypassing parents in the process runs the risk of misunderstanding the full picture. We should be able to support young people without taking these extreme steps. In their decision-making process, parental involvement remains key.

Interrogating Legislation Motives

We need to take a closer look at laws, especially when they affect something as significant as the state Constitution. Are these laws truly about human rights or are they just about political advantage? We owe it to the next generation to understand how such policies will impact their lives and vote against those that could potentially hurt them.

In Conclusion

In our quest for fairness, we must look closer at the impact of laws like the ERA and ensure the best interests of children are paramount. Engaging in a structured, informed, and respectful debate around these critical issues is crucial for our democracy and our future. As we near the vote on November 5, the focus on children’s well-being remains ever important, thus casting greater scrutiny on the Equal Rights Amendment.


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