Mayor Adams Ties to City-Funded Nonprofit and Paid Trips Unveiled

Unravelling Ties to Urban Glass

The recent financial disclosure of Mayor Adams reveals that Urban Glass, a non-profit arts organization, has been enjoying city funding for its operations. According to the report, the organization where Mayor Adams is an honorary board member has received municipal support for programming and operations in 2023.

Mayor Adams, while serving in an honorary capacity on the board, had dealings with his Cultural Affairs Department. The department appropriates the lion’s share of city funding to Urban Glass. Acquisition data reveals that Urban Glass has benefited from city funding, receiving over $408,000 in the current fiscal year.

Questions Over Disclosures

Interestingly, Mayor Adams has not mentioned municipal funding for the organization in his previous two financial disclosures during his time as mayor. The absence of such information in the past reports leaves some questions unanswered. Reinvent Albany, a watchdog organization, has raised questions about why information on Urban Glass’ city funding hasn’t been included in the Mayor’s past disclosures.

The International Journeys Funded by Foreign Groups

Last year, Mayor Adams jet-setted to several international locations. These trips, according to his disclosures, were bankrolled by both private and foreign bodies. When he went to Colombia to visit the Darien Gap, the Colombian government sponsored his security and transportation costs. Additionally, expenses for his visit to Mexico, where he delivered a speech at a conference, were borne by North Capital Forum.

His trip to Israel was also paid for by the United Jewish Appeal Federation, covering costs such as flights, accommodation, and meals. This arrangement has been met with raised eyebrows as two of the Federation’s heads hold interests in city government affairs.

Privately Paid Perks

Besides the sponsored trips, disclosure forms further reveal that Mayor Adams enjoyed free access privileges to attend the first match of the US Open in Queens in August 2023. The US Tennis Association footed the bill for his tickets. Despite Adams also attending the US Open in 2022, no record of any complimentary tickets for the event is found in that year’s financial disclosure.

Government watchdogs have now urged the application of stricter laws against public officials accepting any gifts exceeding $15. They argue that these perks could sway the public official’s decisions due to possible subconscious bias.

Consistent Flow of Earnings

Amid these revelations, Mayor Adams’ income and assets continue their steady flow. His primary earnings come through his mayoral salary, which contributes over $250,000 to his annual income. He also makes a handy sum through the royalties from his co-authored cookbook, “Healthy At Last.”

Mayor Adams continues to invest in Bitcoin, holding a minimum of $5,000. He also co-owns a one-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn’s Prospect Heights neighborhood along with Sylvia Cowan, his ex-girlfriend. The Mayor has openly shared that he’s retained his share in the property due to its location in a thriving real estate market.

In conclusion, these financial disclosures by Mayor Adams serve as an invitation for a closer examination. His links with Urban Glass and his free trips raise questions about the allowable perks for public officials, all while providing an indication of his financial stability.


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