Star Tackle David Bakhtiari Hints at Slim Possibility of Joining NY Jets in 2024

Key Takeaways:

• NFL star David Bakhtiari has shared his skepticism about joining the New York Jets team.
• The Jets have signed first-round tackle Olu Fashanu and other skilled players, leaving no obvious fit for Bakhtiari.
• After a successful 11-year career, Bakhtiari has no aspiration to switch positions.

Star offensive tackle David Bakhtiari recently spoke on the future of his career, and it doesn’t seem to involve a green and white jersey. Amid persistent rumors and hopeful speculation, Bakhtiari allayed the likelihood of a lineup with the New York Jets in 2024.

The Unlikelihood of a Bakhtiari-Jets Union

In an interview with ESPN’s Adam Schefter, the former All-Pro tackle was queried about his potential to play for the Jets. “Never say never,” Bakhtiari began. However, acknowledging the Jets’ recent signings and additions, he added, “I don’t see where I would fit in that equation at this current point in time.”

The Jets have notably ramped up their offensive line. With the drafting of Penn State’s promising offensive tackle Olu Fashanu, along with the signings of seasoned players Tyron Smith and Morgan Moses, the team seems to have its frontline well covered. This move leaves scant room for Bakhtiari to smoothly fit into the lineup.

The Jets’ Offseason Signings Bring Clarity

Stuffing their roster with capable blockers, the Jets have focused on answering their offensive line uncertainties during the offseason. An intense debate on who would spearhead the offensive tackle spot in 2024 was put to rest by securing Smith in free agency and trading efficiently with the Baltimore Ravens for Moses. They further solidified their front line by picking Fashanu from the draft.

Additionally, the idea of Bakhtiari assuming a different position seemed implausible. The veteran tackle expressed his unwillingness to move away from his favored and successful left tackle role, especially at the age of 32. Nevertheless, his desire to secure a Super Bowl title remains unfulfilled, fueling his playing ambitions.

Bakhtiari’s Career in Context

As a 11-year veteran, Bakhtiari boasts an impressive resume, dotted with All-Pro honors and recognized as one of the best offensive players. He has achieved over 8,000 snaps at left tackle, according to Pro Football Focus. Any team would certainly relish his addition, including the Jets.

However, Jets’ prospects now hinge on their new entrants. Both rookie Fashanu and marginal player Carter Warren have to prove their mettle once they hit the field. The Jets’ success largely revolves around avoiding injuries which have plagued the team.

In case of injury plagues with their new offensive linemen, the Jets will have to rely on their inexperienced players for a comprehensive season’s campaign.

What the Future Holds

It might appear that Bakhtiari’s services won’t be part of the Jets’ strategy for now, but it’s a variable game, and things can change quickly. Bakhtiari himself maintained an open mind about future possibilities, even if the chances seem obscure. Add to that, his burning desire to win a Super Bowl might just shake things up a bit more competitively.

For now, green and white fans might have to curtail their expectations of looking forward to seeing Bakhtiari storming the field with their team. Rather, the focus should shift towards the promising youngsters and newly signed veterans they have secured. It’s fair to say that the Jets’ fate in the forthcoming season holds more suspense than ever.


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