Troubling Times for the New York Jets’ Coaching Staff in 2024

Key Takeaways:
– Robert Saleh’s position as head coach of the New York Jets is uncertain if the team’s performance doesn’t improve in 2024.
– The pressure is also on Offensive Coordinator Nathaniel Hackett, following a shaky start to his time with the Jets.
– The Jets’ coaching staff scenario has been named one of the NFL’s “biggest distractions” for 2024.

Tough Times for Jets’ Robert Saleh

The New York Jets have been named as a major distraction of the 2024 NFL season. Interestingly, it’s not famed quarterback Aaron Rodgers getting the spotlight. Instead, the focus is on head coach Robert Saleh and his team. Alex Ballentine from Bleacher Report featured the Jets as part of his list of eight biggest distractions in the NFL this year. He suggested that Saleh’s position as head coach might be imperiled if the team fails to demonstrate a strong performance in 2024.

Dodgy Ground for Saleh

Robert Saleh stepped into the NFL in 2005, initially serving as a defensive intern for the Houston Texans. His big break came in 2017 when he worked as a defensive coordinator for the San Francisco 49ers. Saleh’s defensive strategies played a pivotal role in the 49ers reaching Super Bowl LIV. This impressive career stretch earned him a five-year deal with the Jets as head coach in 2021.

However, things have taken a downturn since. The Jets have managed a less than stellar 18-33 record under Saleh’s tenure over three seasons and have not come close to the playoffs despite possessing a talented roster. The heat is on for Saleh in 2024, and if the team fails to enter the postseason, his position as head coach could be in jeopardy.

The Hackett Conundrum

As the pressure mounts on Saleh, Offensive Coordinator Nathaniel Hackett isn’t safe either. Despite having previously worked well with Rodgers while at the Green Bay Packers, his role at the Jets is under scrutiny. The situation reached a fever pitch after he was replaced by quarterbacks coach Todd Downing on play-calling during offseason workouts. Furthermore, rumors have circulated about the Jets wanting to replace or overshadow Hackett – not a good start to Hackett’s 2024.

Question marks hover over Hackett, who didn’t complete a full season as head coach for the Denver Broncos in 2022. If his offense fails to unify at the start of this season, the Jets could make another coaching switch midway through the year.


With an underwhelming record and mounting pressure, the future seems uncertain for both Robert Saleh and Nathaniel Hackett. The New York Jets’ coaching staff’s position is decidedly among the NFL’s “biggest distractions” this season. It remains to be seen whether the team can overturn this narrative with a successful run or continue down the path of coaching turmoil. The stakes are high in 2024 for both Saleh and Hackett. Will they be able to withstand the pressure and elevate the performance of this talented team into postseason material? Only time will tell.


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