Harlem Politician Sued for Allegedly Unlawfully Dismissing Advisor Due to Illness

Facing a Firing and Medical Crisis

Keith Lilly, a seasoned figure in Harlem politics, claims that he was unlawfully dismissed from his job by Harlem Assemblyman Eddie Gibbs, just a day prior to a major diabetic-related medical surgery. The abrupt termination, he says, was an illegal act of discrimination on the basis of his serious health condition.

Lilly’s Long-Serving Public Career

Keith Lilly has been a mainstay in Harlem’s political landscape, having worked for the late City Councilman Bill Perkins during the 1990s. His role as a senior adviser to Assemblyman Gibbs seemed a fitting chapter, but the sudden termination has taken an unfortunate turn.

The Alleged Unjust Dismissal

According to a lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Lilly accuses Assemblyman Gibbs of wrongful dismissal on the grounds of disability discrimination. He asserts the politician dismissed him on July 26, 2023 in breach of state and local human rights laws. Lilly is seeking at least $500,000 for emotional suffering, back pay, attorney’s fees, and reimbursement for lost 401K contributions.

Invocation of Human Rights

The lawsuit alleges that the timing of Lilly’s dismissal is instrumental to his case of discrimination. Days before the removal, Gibbs and another staffer reportedly visited Lilly in Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was in treatment for a serious foot infection due to his underlying diabetes. Gibbs’ failure to provide a reason for the firing, having provided no negative feedback or disciplinary action beforehand, further strengthens Lilly’s claim.

Eddie Gibbs’ Silence

Despite the serious accusations, Eddie Gibbs did not immediately respond to requests for comment made through his Assembly office. Amid a competitive Democratic primary, his silence is unsettling for many.

Escalating Health Crisis

After his dismissal, Lilly’s health took a significant hit. The infection in his foot led to the amputation of not only his toes but eventually his entire left leg up to the knee. Left without health insurance due to his termination, Lilly has set up a GoFundMe page to cover his medical expenses, amassing over $21,000 in donations to date.

Seeking Protection Under Law

Aside from alleged infractions of human rights laws, Lilly argues that his dismissal also breached the passages of the Family and Medical Leave Act – a law that protects workers from losing their jobs while on medical leave. Ironically, the date of Lilly’s dismissal was just days before his one-year tenure milestone in Gibbs’ office, a tenure that would have granted him rights under this very legislation.

The Unraveling Political Race

Gibbs, currently campaigning for reelection in East Harlem’s 68th Assembly District, now faces the challenge of facing these serious charges and the competition from local community board chairman, Xavier Santiago, in Tuesday’s Democratic primary election. The accusations heighten the stakes for Gibbs’ political future as both voters and political peers watch the developments closely.

The story of Lilly’s alleged unjust dismissal is a reminder that even in high places, respect for human rights and compassion for others should never be disregarded. As the battle unfolds in the courts, a strong spotlight now shines on Harlem politics and its willingness to uphold universal respect and dignity for all.



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