Shudder, IFC Films and Severin Films Unleash Thrilling New Special Edition Releases!

Hello movie lovers! Have you heard the exciting news? Yes, Shudder and IFC Films have teamed up with Severin Films to set your movie nights on fire. They’re set to release eleven super special edition versions of your favorite Shudder and IFC Films flicks. And guess what? They’re coming on good old physical media!

Some Movies to Keep an Eye On

The good folks behind the deal were kind enough to spill the beans on six of the eleven special edition versions. They sure sound thrilling! Movie titles like Satan’s Slaves, Antiviral, Baskin, Maniac, Sisters, and The Autopsy of Jane Doe, are all set to get the special treatment. Let’s take a closer peek at these captivating flicks.

Satan’s Slaves and Antiviral

Imagine this! Your mom, whom you lost to a mysterious illness three years back, makes a comeback home. This is the creeped-out gist of Satan’s Slaves.

Next up, we have Antiviral. Ever pictured a world where you could actually buy your favorite celeb’s illness? What an interesting twist of fate if someone tried taking advantage of this market!

Baskin and Maniac

Our next thriller, Baskin, sets the mood with cops unwittingly walking into a hell trap. Sound like a horrible dream? Then buckle up for Maniac, the remake of a 1980 classic. It delves into the life of a mannequin shop owner with some not-so-ordinary desires..

Sisters and the Autopsy of Jane Doe

Ever been caught in a mystery involving separated Siamese twins? That’s what Sisters, a remake of a 1972 classic, brings to the table. Last but not least, there’s the Autopsy of Jane Doe, which unveils the enigma of a mysterious woman as a father-son duo stumbles upon a baffling case.

About the Dynamic Trio Behind This Treat

Three dynamic personalities, David Gregory, Sam Zimmerman, Lucas Verga, crafted this pioneering deal. Gregory is the co-founder and CEO at Severin Films, Zimmerman serves as Shudder’s Vice President of Programming, while Verga is AMC Networks- ace of Content Sales.

Zimmerman was pretty stoked about the deal. He praised Severin Films’ stellar work, thrilled to see Shudder and IFC Films getting the grand reception on Severin’s label.

Ready to Catch your Faves on Physical Media?

These adventurous releases of Satan’s Slaves, Antiviral, Baskin, Maniac, Sisters, and The Autopsy of Jane Doe promise some high octane thrill on your movie nights. So, are you excited, movie fans? Can’t wait to get your hands on these special editions? We’re eager to hear your thoughts on these thrilling releases.

So, grab your popcorn, cosy up in your best blanket, dim the lights and be prepared to get blown away by these edge-of-the-seat tales. Hurry up and share your views on these exciting releases. We can’t wait to hear from you! After all, who doesn’t love a good movie extravaganza?

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