Gear Up for Eerie Excitement with ‘The Front Room’ Trailer Release

Hey horror movie buffs! There’s some hair-raising news for you. The trailer of the much-anticipated horror flick ‘The Front Room’ is finally out! This movie is brought to you by famous production house, A24, the people behind hits like The Witch and The Lighthouse. Two whole years after its initial announcement, we finally get a glimpse of what this thriller has in store for us.

Sneak Peek into ‘The Front Room’

‘The Front Room’ tells the gripping story of a pregnant woman, Belinda, played by the celebrated Brandy Norwood. Remember her in ‘Queens’ or ‘I Still Know What You Did Last Summer’? In this new movie, things get really spooky when her mother-in-law, played by Kathryn Hunter, comes into the picture. This movie is bound to send shivers down your spine. Joining Norwood and Hunter on this scary journey are Andrew Burnap and Neal Huff – two fantastic actors.

Dynamic Duo Behind The Film

So, who’s making all this happen? Max and Sam Eggers – that’s who! They are the younger siblings of Robert Eggers, the renowned director of The Witch and The Lighthouse. Max co-wrote ‘The Lighthouse’ and both brothers aided Robert with his projects. This film testifies their outstanding talent and capabilities.

When’s it On?

According to, The Front Room has an R rating from the Motion Picture Association ratings board. This rating is because of some spicy language, violent/disturbing content, a hint of sexuality, and some nudity. It is hitting big screens all over the world on September 6th. It’s going to be an interesting day at the movies as ‘Beetlejuice Beetlejuice’ is also releasing the same day!

Who’s Pulling The Strings?

A24 is at the helm of the project, working alongside the fantastic team of Lucan Toh, Babak Anvari, and Bryan Sonderman of Two & Two Pictures, with Julia Oh and David Hinojosa of 2AM. This isn’t new for A24. They’re known for funding and creating great cinematic gems.

Intriguing Trivia about ‘The Front Room’

Did you know ‘The Front Room’ finds its roots in a short story? Yup, you heard it right. This haunted tale springs from a short tale penned by Susan Hill, titled ‘The Travelling Bag and Other Ghostly Stories’. If the nerve-racking narrative interests you, copies of this book are available right here.

The release of the trailer gives us a small taste of the spine-chilling drama that will grace our screens in September. With just a few months till the big showdown, we are on the edge of our seats!

What about you, horror buffs? Ready to dive into this haunting tale spun by the Eggers brothers? Don’t forget to watch the trailer and share your thoughts with us. We want to know what you think of ‘The Front Room’. So, let’s pull our blankets tight and prepare for some spectacular scares!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on


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