Get Ready! Chucky Season 3 Blu-ray Release Set for August

Hola horror fans! Brace yourselves, because everyone’s favorite killer doll Chucky is gracing your homes again this summer. Guess what? Chucky season 3 is making its Blu-ray release on the 13th of August! If you’re the type who loves to plan ahead, you can pre-order your copy on Amazon right now. Apart from the main series, you’ll also get access to a special bonus: deleted scenes. How fantastic is that?

Chucky’s Continued Reign of Terror

You might be wondering. Who is Chucky? Well, Chucky is the revival of the classic Child’s Play movies. Forget the remake, though. The Chucky series gives us the daredevil adventures of our killer doll, spreading terror wherever he goes. He started in Hackensack, New Jersey in season 1, then a Catholic boarding school in season 2. Now in season 3, Chucky is rolling the dice in D.C., specifically targeting the home of America’s First Family.

Chucky Season 3’s Daring Spree

Fasten your seat belts because season 3’s narration takes you on a crazy journey. Picture this: Chucky, the notorious serial-killing doll, lands inside the most defiant fortress on earth: the White House! Whoa, how did he manage that? Now that’s a puzzle waiting to be solved. One thing is for sure: Chucky is up to his usual mischief and mayhem, even in the world’s most secure house.

Follow the thrilling trails of our young heros, Jake, Devon, and Lexy. As they navigate teenage life, they must also get to the crux of the Chucky mystery. Don’t miss the suspense surrounding Tiffany, another serial killer. Can she dodge a possible police charge?

Meet the Star-Studded Cast of Chucky

Who can ignore the cast that makes Chucky so intriguing to watch? Jennifer Tilly is back, not as Tiffany Valentine, but playing her real self. Then there’s Zackary Arthur as Jake Wheeler, Alyvia Alyn Lind as Lexy Cross, and Fiona Dourif as Nica Pierce. Also joining the pack is the legendary filmmaker John Waters, making an entry as Wendell Wilkins, the mastermind behind the Good Guy dolls.

Wrapping It All Up

All said and done, Chucky has always been a fan-favorite in the horror genre. The season 3 Blu-ray release will undoubtedly crank up the entertainment value for fans. So, are you keen on bagging a copy for yourself? Let’s chat! Drop your thoughts in the comments. Keep the Chucky spirit alive, folks, and let’s savor the thrills our beloved killer doll has in store!

Remember the date folks: August 13th. Let the countdown to the Chucky Season 3 Blu-ray release begin!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on


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