71-Year-Old Marissa Teijo to Set a Record at Miss Texas USA Pageant

Making History at the Pageant

Marissa Teijo, a proud 71-year-old resident of El Paso, is poised to break archaeological records. She’s set to be the oldest contestant in the history of the Miss Texas USA pageant. This significant event will take place this weekend in Houston, where she’ll compete with about 100 other contestants. The winner gets the honor of representing the state of Texas in the prestigious Miss USA competition scheduled for later this August.

Embracing the Journey

Taking to her Instagram platform, Teijo expressed her joy in joining the fray at the Miss Texas USA Pageant. She stated that she’s “delighted to be part of this incredible new experience.” She added that her participation serves as motivation to all women. She wants them to focus on being their best mentally and physically and to understand that beauty transcends age.

A Lifetime of Fitness and Competition

Marissa Teijo isn’t a stranger to competition. Growing up on a farm, she developed a passion for fitness from a tender age. She participated in numerous athletic events before pivoting towards beauty pageants. Her lifelong dedication to wellness and health is a manifest testament to her outstanding physical appearance at her age.

Breaking Barriers

It’s worth noting that Teijo’s participation in this year’s contest comes on the heels of a recent rule change. The Miss Universe organization, which oversees the pageant, revised its rules to permit all women aged 18 and above to compete. The list includes those who are pregnant, married, or divorced.

Controversy and Resignations

However, the Miss Universe organization hasn’t been without its share of controversies in recent times. Notably, the crown holders of Miss USA 2023, Noelia Voigt, and Miss Teen USA 2023, Uma Sofia Srivastava, stepped down from their roles within just a few days of each other. The resignations came amidst accusations of abuse and ill-treatment allegedly perpetrated by the organizers.

The resignation letters painted a dim picture of the organization. Voigt, in her letter, described the environment as “toxic.” She blamed her unexpected exit on “at best, poor management and, at worst, harassment and bullying.”

Looking Towards the Future

Regardless of the controversies swirling around the organization, the forthcoming event holds immense significance for Teijo. Not only is she breaking the age barrier at the competition, but she is also encouraging women worldwide to embrace their beauty regardless of their age or life situation.

In light of the recent changes and potential steps towards a more inclusive future, the Miss Universe organization must confront and resolve the issues raised by its previous winners. Only by doing so can they move forward and truly embody their mission of empowering all women.

In the meantime, all eyes will be on Houston this weekend as Marissa Teijo attempts to make history. Her very participation is victory in itself, underlining the timeless beauty and strength of women, regardless of their age.


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