NYC Deputy Sheriffs Demand Resignation of Sheriff Anthony Miranda

Union Members Seek Resignation of City Sheriff

Members of the New York City Deputy Sheriffs’ Association are calling for the resignation of Sheriff Anthony Miranda. The union claims that Miranda has created a hostile work environment, leading to the departure of many union members.

Alleged Discrimination and Retaliation

The union has documented allegations against Miranda, accusing him of discrimination and retaliation. In a complaint filed with the Office of Collective Bargaining, the union claimed Miranda engaged in actions with a questionable legal basis and endangered the safety of deputies.

Miranda’s Focus on Cannabis Raids

According to the union’s president, Miranda’s obsession with raiding illegal cannabis shops and altering working schedules have made the job intolerable for deputies. “Our members have left because they won’t work for a tyrant who runs the agency with an iron fist,” said union president, Ingrid Simonovic. She also accused Miranda of mismanagement and causing a decrease in morale.

Complaints Filed Against Miranda

In the past two years, the union has filed 13 complaints about workplace misconduct against Miranda. These were lodged with various regulatory bodies such as the Office of Collective Bargaining and the New York Department of Finance’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In comparison, the union had only one labor complaint in the four years before Miranda took charge.

Changes in Work Schedules

Before Miranda’s tenure, deputy sheriffs enjoyed flexible schedules. They worked four, 10-hour days instead of the mandated five, 8-hour days and performed duties on court days. But Miranda changed things. He made it compulsory for any staff returning from leave to work a five-day week regardless of the absence of a new contract.

Alleged Retaliation Against Union Members

As contention over the legality of cannabis raids brewed, Miranda allegedly began retaliating. Simonovic got transferred from her position in the Bureau of Criminal Investigations and 11 other deputies were suspended on outdated misconduct allegations.

Charges Against the Deputies

The suspended deputies were accused of stealing seized alcohol from bars and clubs during the COVID pandemic. Out of these 11, nine resigned while two were acquitted after a city administrative trial. However, these deputies were never criminally charged, confirmed the Queens District Attorney’s office.

The City’s Response

City officials have not commented on the allegations against Miranda, as they fall under ongoing litigation. A spokesperson from City Hall stated, “Under Sheriff Miranda, the Sheriff’s Office has made significant improvements to operations, addressing issues from the previous administration.”

Simonovic’s Message to Deputies

Despite the turmoil, Simonovic urged deputies thinking of leaving to hold on. She believes change is coming and Miranda’s reign is temporary. She stated, ” I tell them, ‘He isn’t going to be here forever. Just hang on.’ ”

This mounting tension within the New York City Deputy Sheriffs’ Association points to deep-seated discontent members harbor against the current city sheriff. As officials remain silent on the union’s allegations amidst ongoing litigation, only time will tell if Sheriff Miranda will indeed submit his resignation.


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