If you’re looking for a new job in the Australia outback, then just open up your Snapchat. According to reports, McDonald’s Australia has teamed up with Snapchat to allow users to apply for a job using only the video app. Those interested in working for McDonald’s only need to send a 10-second video using a special filter the lesson try on the McDonald’s name tag or uniform. Once the video has been viewed users will be directed to an application form on the McDonald’s website. Applicants will then be arranged for face-to-face interviews.
It is important to note that in Australia McDonald’s employees more than 65,000 people under the age of 18. Snapchat’s user base is also between the ages of 13 to 24. As a result, McDonald’s Australia is looking for a new way to recruit people to join their company. The company’s chief operating officer is calling this new type of job application “snaplications.”
McDonald’s features “personality, positive attitude and enthusiasm are … traits that [Snapchat] captures in a simple, yet effective manner,” according to a statement obtained by Fox News.
But before you pull out your smartphone and start snapping away there is no word on whether McDonald’s plans on using the similar application outside of Australia.
On Tuesday, investors revealed that the only way for Snapchat to compete with their biggest rival Facebook the company will need set out – innovate the world’s largest social media platform. Moreover, Instagram announced new features that mimicked some of the functionalities that made Snapchat unique and famous. As a result, Snapchat stock, Snap, Inc., dropped by nearly 1% on Tuesday. But it appears as though Snapchat is not going to let Facebook out innovate them