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Kevin Durant Says He Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Kevin Durant Coronavirus

illustration Kevin durant. Golden State Warriors. National Basketball Association Editorial credit: sangdaeng /

Kevin Durant reveals he has tested positive for the Coronavirus.

Kevin Durant is one of the biggest stars in the National Basketball Association. Now, at least seven NBA players are known to have tested positive including three of Durant’s teammates on the Brooklyn Nets.

“Everyone be careful, take care of yourself and quarantine,” said Durant. “We’re going to get through this.”

“All players and members of the Nets travel party are being asked to remain isolated, closely monitor their health and maintain constant communication with team medical staff,” the Nets team said. The NBA team added it was contacting people who had contact with the players, including other NBA players.

The Nets statement says three of the four players did not show symptoms of the disease.

Currently, it is unknown how many Nets employees have been tested for the Coronavirus, given the fact health officials struggled to find tests. The guidelines issued by the New York City Department of Health say it “strongly recommends against testing persons with mild illness who can be safely managed at home, unless a diagnosis may impact patient management.”

There is a growing conversation over the unequal access of coronavirus testing. It all started after reports of 58 members of the Jazz franchise were also tested following hours of Rudy Gobert’s positive tests.

A spokesman for the NBA suggested players maybe a priority as they travel across the country and are in contact with large groups of people.

“Public health authorities and team doctors have been concerned that, given NBA players’ direct contact with each other and close interactions with the general public, in addition to their frequent travel, they could accelerate the spread of the virus,’’ he said in a statement. “Following two players testing positive last week, others were tested and five additional players tested positive. Hopefully, by these players choosing to make their test results public, they have drawn attention to the critical need for young people to follow C.D.C. recommendations in order to protect others, particularly those with underlying health conditions and the elderly.”

In related coronavirus news, people with type A blood are more vulnerable than other groups, according to a new study.

A new study in China revealed people with blood type A are more susceptible to the coronavirus in comparison to other blood groups.

Researchers took blood group patterns of over 2,000 patients infected with COVID-19 in Wuhan and Shenzhen and compared it with people from other regions. The study concluded people with blood type A were more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection and higher chances to develop more severe symptoms.

“People of blood group A might need particularly strengthened personal protection to reduce the chance of infection,” the researchers wrote, adding, “Sars-CoV-2-infected patients with blood group A might need to receive more vigilant surveillance and aggressive treatment.”

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