Amazon Launches ‘AI Ready’ Initiative: Free AI Training for Millions

Amazon has announced a significant new initiative, “AI Ready,” aiming to provide free artificial intelligence (AI) skills training to 2 million people globally by 2025. This ambitious project is part of Amazon’s broader commitment to democratize AI education and address the growing demand for AI talent in the workforce.

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon’s ‘AI Ready’ initiative targets training 2 million people in AI skills by 2025.
  • The program includes eight new free AI and generative AI courses.
  • AWS Generative AI Scholarship offers over 50,000 scholarships to students.
  • Collaboration with introduces generative AI to young learners.
  • The initiative responds to a high demand for AI-skilled workers and the potential for higher salaries in AI roles.

Bridging the AI Talent Gap

The need for AI-skilled professionals is more pressing than ever. According to a study by AWS and Access Partnership, 73% of employers prioritize hiring AI talent, but three-quarters struggle to find the necessary skills. Amazon’s ‘AI Ready’ initiative directly addresses this gap by offering accessible training to a wide audience.

Diverse Course Offerings

The initiative features a range of courses catering to different skill levels and interests. These include foundational courses for business leaders and advanced technical courses for developers. The courses cover various aspects of AI and generative AI, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Empowering the Next Generation

Beyond professional upskilling, Amazon is also focusing on the younger generation. Through its partnership with, the ‘Hour of Code Dance Party: AI Edition’ introduces students to coding and AI in an engaging way. This initiative is set to reach students globally during Computer Science Education Week.

Scholarship Opportunities

The AWS Generative AI Scholarship is a significant component of this initiative, providing over 50,000 scholarships to high school and university students. This effort not only educates but also opens doors for students from underserved and underrepresented communities.

Amazon’s Continued Commitment

This AI training initiative is part of Amazon’s larger commitment to providing free cloud computing skills training to 29 million people by 2025. With over 21 million already trained, Amazon continues to invest in programs that empower individuals and communities with critical digital skills.


Amazon’s ‘AI Ready’ initiative represents a major step in making AI education accessible to a broader audience. By providing free training and scholarship opportunities, Amazon is not only filling the current talent gap but also preparing the workforce for the future demands of the AI-driven world. This initiative underscores the importance of AI skills in the modern economy and Amazon’s role in shaping the future of work.


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