FBI Employee Carjacked Near Capitol Hill: A Rising Concern in Washington D.C.

An FBI employee recently fell victim to an armed carjacking near Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., marking a concerning rise in such incidents in the area. The incident, which occurred on the afternoon of November 29, 2023, has prompted an investigation by both the FBI Washington Field Office and the Metropolitan Police Department’s Carjacking Task Force.

Key Takeaways:

  • An FBI employee was carjacked near Capitol Hill.
  • The incident occurred on November 29, 2023.
  • The stolen vehicle was recovered 25 minutes later.
  • The FBI and Metropolitan Police Department are investigating.
  • Carjackings in D.C. have more than doubled in the past year.

The Incident and Immediate Response

The carjacking took place in the eastern end of Capitol Hill, specifically in the 100 block of 12th Street NE, close to Lincoln Park, around 3:45 p.m. The stolen vehicle was later found in the 1000 block of 15th Street SE at approximately 4:10 p.m. The victim, identified as a federal agent, reported that two suspects had taken their vehicle at gunpoint.

Rising Trend of Carjackings in D.C.

This incident is part of a worrying trend in Washington D.C., where carjackings have more than doubled over the past year. In 2023, there have been 906 carjackings, a significant increase from the 439 reported last year. The majority of these crimes have involved firearms, with guns being used in over three-quarters of the reported carjackings.

Investigation and Community Response

The FBI and the Metropolitan Police Department have not released further details about the suspects or the lead-up to the carjacking. However, the rapid recovery of the stolen vehicle and the ongoing investigation by specialized task forces indicate a swift response to these rising crimes.

Public Safety and Awareness

The increase in carjackings in Washington D.C. has raised concerns about public safety and the need for heightened awareness and preventive measures. The Metropolitan Police Department has been actively working to address this surge in carjackings, employing various strategies and task forces dedicated to tackling this issue.

Looking Ahead

As the investigation continues, the community and law enforcement agencies are on high alert. The rise in carjackings not only poses a threat to public safety but also highlights the need for more robust preventive measures and community engagement in crime prevention.


The carjacking of an FBI employee near Capitol Hill is a stark reminder of the growing challenge of vehicle-related crimes in Washington D.C. It underscores the need for continued vigilance, cooperation between law enforcement agencies, and community involvement in ensuring public safety and combating this worrying trend.