Tragic UNLV Mass Shooting Claims Lives of Patricia Navarro-Velez and Cha Jan ‘Jerry’ Chang

Two brave souls lost their lives amidst the tragic mass shooting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). For the first time, their names have come into the limelight. Patricia Navarro-Velez and Cha Jan “Jerry” Chang stand identified as the initial victims of this heartbreaking event.

Key Takeaways:

– Patricia Navarro-Velez and Cha Jan “Jerry” Chang are the first known victims of the UNLV mass shooting.
– Both Patricia and Jerry were faculty members at UNLV’s business school.
– The University community is mourning this tragic event.

Professional Trajectories Cut Short

Both Patricia and Jerry stood out as pillars of the UNLV community, being faculty members at the prestigious business school. Their contribution to the school and its students was immense, and the abrupt end to their professional journeys has shaken the institution to its core.

The Sorrowful Impact on the UNLV Community

As news of the identity of these two victims emerged, the university community plunged into sorrow. These were respected faculty members, sharing their knowledge, wisdom, and experience with hundreds of students each year. Their loss is not only grievous but deeply personal to many within UNLV.

Patricia Navarro-Velez: An Inspiring Educator

Patricia Navarro-Velez was much more than a name. She was an educator who passionately dedicated her life to cultivating business acumen among her students. Patricia never backed down from using innovative teaching methods to develop a deeper understanding of business models and concepts among her pupils. Her departure leaves behind an irreplaceable void.

Cha Jan “Jerry” Chang: A Guiding Light

The story is no different for Cha Jan “Jerry” Chang. An esteemed faculty member, Jerry took great pride in his role as an educator at the UNLV business school. His conviction to create future business leaders was apparent in every lecture, every career guidance session he conducted. The legacy Jerry leaves behind will persist in the memories of his students and colleagues.

The Aftermath

The ripples from this tragic event extend far beyond the boundaries of UNLV. As details about the victims surface, the global educational community grains in mourning. The loss of two dedicated educators stands as a harsh reminder of the senseless violence plaguing schools and universities worldwide.


In conclusion, the tragic mass shooting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has left deep scars in the hearts of many. The loss of Patricia Navarro-Velez and Cha Jan “Jerry” Chang, two treasured faculty members at the university’s business school, is a devastating blow to the UNLV community and educational fraternity at large. Their commitment to shaping future business leaders was unparalleled. Moving forward, the community will need time and support to navigate this challenging period of mourning and loss.