Broadcom Terminates VMware’s Partner Programs, Shaking up the Cloud Computing Landscape

A Pivot in the Virtualization and Cloud Computing Landscape

Broadcom’s recent acquisition, VMware, is about to experience a shift in its operational dynamics. The parent company has confirmed its decision to close the virtualization and cloud computing company’s partnership programs, a move expected to shake up the cloud services industry significantly.

Key Takeaways:

– Broadcom, the new owner of VMware, is discontinuing VMware’s partner programs.
– Transition to the invitation-only Broadcom Advantage Partner Program will occur from February 5, 2024.
– The termination could disrupt tens of thousands of businesses who are current VMware partners.
– It’s yet uncertain how many partners will continue to sell VMware-related offerings after April 2024.
– The termination impacts solution providers, resellers, distributors, and VMware cloud service provider partners.

Uncertainty Amid Transition

This decision raises questions among current partners about their future relationship with VMware. Post-April, 2024, the number or identity of partners who will be privileged to sell VMware-related services remains uncertain. This opacity could result in disruptions for tens of thousands of businesses partnered with VMware.

Invitation-Only Partnership Program Ahead

Broadcom, having acquired VMware in November, revealed its plans in late December to The Register. “Effective from February 5, 2024, Broadcom will be transitioning VMware’s partner programs to the invitation-only Broadcom Advantage Partner Program,” the company stated. This declaration signals the conclusion of VMware’s allies’ status with various solution providers, resellers, and distributors.

Date Set for Final Closure

A recent report from The Register revealed another significant development – a set closure date has now being announced for the cloud services provider partner program. The program, rolled out in 2019, has spiced up the cloud computing landscape for the past few years.

VMware’s Cloud Service Provider Partners Affected

The recent statement from Broadcom contained a specific timeline regarding VMware’s cloud service provider partners. These partners, who have been collaborating with VMware via the VMware Partner Connect Program launched in 2020, will also be impacted by these changes.

Riding the Wave of Change

These significant alterations in company partnerships and the looming closure of the Partner Connect program is a clear sign of reshaping in this niche industry. Both partners and players in the virtualization and cloud computing ecosystem will likely have to adapt and ride this wave of change.

As we draw closer to the stated transition date, the precise impact of these strategic changes remains to be seen. However, what comes next will certainly be a series of adjustments and evolutions in the world of virtualization and cloud computing. The businesses associated with VMware must prepare themselves for a fresh path ahead. They would do so while keeping an eye on how the imminent invitation-only partnership program will shape their future relationship with Broadcom and VMware.

Source: [Ars Technica]


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