US and UK Retaliate Against Houthi Attacks on Shipping in Yemen

According to reports, the US and UK have launched a series of punitive air strikes across Yemen, escalating tensions in retaliation against Iran-backed Houthi forces. This move comes in response to attacks on Red Sea shipping. The burgeoning conflict is an offshoot of Israel’s ongoing fight in Gaza.

Key Takeaways:
– The US and UK have launched retaliatory air strikes across Yemen in response to Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping.
– The Houthi rebels threatened to continue their attacks while civilians are fearing an escalation of the conflict and potential food and fuel shortages.
– The price of oil has jumped due to fears of supply disruption caused by the conflict.
– The strikes targeted various capabilities and locations of the Houthis in an attempt to weaken their attacking potential.

Attack Details

News reports highlighted explosions at several military bases near airports in Sanaa and Yemen’s third-largest city, Taiz. The strikes also targeted a naval base at the predominant Red Sea port Hodeidah and military installations in the coastal Hajjah governorate.

Lending credibility to the matter, U.S. Air Force Lieutenant-General Alex Grynkewich divulged that 60 targets were hit across 16 separate locations using over 100 precision-guided munitions.

Immediate Response from Both Sides

President Joe Biden sent a stern message stating that the US and its allies would not tolerate attacks on their personnel or international freedom of navigation. On the other hand, the Houthi rebels claim that five fighters died in the 73 air strikes, and they pledge to retaliate.

Residents in Sanaa reported chaos and fear in the aftermath of the strikes. Fears are high about a possible new war with the West, which could wreak havoc given Yemen’s slow recovery from nearly a decade of earlier conflicts.

Economic Impact and Oil Prices

The turmoil has led to a significant rise in oil prices due to fears of potential supply disruption. Industrial ship tracking data indicates a rerouting of at least four oil tankers away from the Red Sea. Amidst this upheaval, renowned carmaker Tesla confirmed production delays at its German plant due to parts shortages linked to the unrest.

Global Repercussions and Call for Restraint

There has been significant concern about the rippling effects of this conflict across the globe. Saudi Arabia has called for temperance, keen on avoiding escalation. The kingdom is a long-term adversary of the Houthis and has been championing the opposite side.

Inflation and supply chain disruption fears have also surged due to the changing routes adopted by commercial ships to avoid Houthi attacks.

Pointed Accusations and Iran’s Role

The US has directly implicated Iran as operational support for the Houthi attacks, alleging involvement at every stage of the process. Iran is known to back armed groups across the Middle East, including both the Houthis and Hamas militants who control Gaza.

The Impending Fear of Escalation

In light of these developments, the world is keenly observing this conflict that now involves substantial global powers. With stakes high and escalating rapidly, the concern is that the situation could continue to worsen, dire news for Yemen, which is already grappling with long-standing issues of famine, civil war, and socio-economic instability.


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