Redis Stands Up Against Unlicensed Commercial Use

Key Takeaways:

– Redis, a widely used tool for data storing, switches its software licensing from open-source BSD to both Source Available License and Server Side Public License (SSPL).
– The move is in response to large cloud service providers, primarily Amazon Web Services, profiting extensively from Redis without any licensed contribution.
– This change restricts cloud hosting of Redis without paying for usage of its source code.

Redis, an extensively utilized tool for data storage, has recently shifted from an open-source BSD license to a combination of a Source Available License and a Server Side Public License (SSPL). This move was prompted in response to the exorbitant profits made by large cloud service providers that commoditize Redis without making any licensed contributions.

**Redis Stands Up Against Unlicensed Commercial Use**

The software initiative and the company behind it were transparent about the reasons behind this change. Rowan Trollope, CEO of Redis, asserted on March 20 that although the open-source project was largely sponsored and developed by Redis and volunteering coding enthusiasts, the majority of commercially derived profits went to cloud service giants like Amazon Web Services.

For clarification, popular cloud service providers offering hosting services for Redis will no longer have free access to Redis’ source code. This implies that AWS and other similar cloud service giants are now required to contribute to the license if they wish to continue offering Redis as a part of their commercial services.

**Implications for Amazon Web Services**

This licensing update from Redis has major implications for Amazon Web Services. Continually reaping benefits from Redis’ source code as part of their $90 billion business, AWS and other cloud service providers now face potentially significant costs in their business operations.

**New Licensing Model to Protect Open Source Software**

This switch in licensing method is a step towards protecting the commercial use of open source software. This exemplary move ensures that large cloud vendors who derive part or all of their commercial sales by offering hosting services for open source software like Redis make a licensed contribution and give back to the developer community.

**Impact on Cloud Service Provider Ecosystem**

With this new licensing stipulation, Redis has taken a stance that could greatly influence the cloud service provider ecosystem. As other open source companies may follow suit, this would mandate greater licensed contributions from commercial enterprises profiting from free open source software.

Coming from such a widely known and influential data storage tool, Redis’ transition from an open-source BSD license to a combination of a Sourceable License and a Server Side Public License (SSPL) paves the way for a new revenue model and emphasizes fair compensation for developers.

In conclusion, this move by Redis is not just a licensing change; it’s a stand against the unchecked commercial profiteering by giant tech conglomerates which draw heavily on open source code for their revenue. It’s a reminder to the industry that while open source software is free to use, it’s not meant to be exploited for mass profits without giving back to those who create and maintain it.



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