HGTV’s ‘Home Town’ Heatwave Concerns: Ben and Erin Napier’s Unique Experience

Key Takeaways:

– Ben and Erin Napier, stars of HGTV’s “Home Town,” shared live updates during one of their episodes, amidst concerns of their daughter being unwell.
– The episode titled “Some Like it Hot” depicted an intense heatwave.
– The couple assured viewers that Laurel, Mississippi only sees such heat for a few weeks in a year.
– The show concluded with the happy clients and weather finally cooling down.

As any dedicated viewer of HGTV’s hit show, ‘Home Town’, knows well, Ben and Erin Napier often share live updates during the airing of each episode. Fans are delighted with not just their insider anecdotes, but also the unique hashtag #HGTVHomeTown which accompanies these updates. Yet, life can sometimes intervene in the schedule, as it happened on April 14.

Balancing Parenthood with Stardom

That day, Erin sent out a tweet to keep their fans in the loop, stating that while they were tuned in to the current episode titled “Some Like it Hot,” their family was dealing with a minor hurdle. The couple, parents to two young daughters, Helen, 6, and Mae, 2, mentioned that serious parental duties might call them away any time as their older girl, Helen, was not feeling well.

Erin only posted one more update during her live watch of the episode. It reflected her slight embarrassment regarding the harsh weather conditions when the episode was filmed. Their Southern town of Laurel, Mississippi was sweltering in a heatwave, posing a challenging sell to the Northern clients featured in the episode.

Filming Amidst a Heatwave

In a previous Instagram post, Erin disclosed intimate behind-the-scenes details about the hardships they faced while filming under an intense sun. For two full weeks, the daily digits on the thermometer failed to fall below a scorching 100 degrees Fahrenheit. An accompanying photograph of Ben attempting to cool off in front of a sprinkler amused fans, leading Erin to clear any mistaken assumptions about Ben’s state of dress.

Undaunted by the heat, the Napiers continued their mission to convince their clients, Tena and Bob from New Jersey, that such extreme weather was a rarity in Laurel, lasting just a few weeks. Evidently, they were successful as the Northern couple decided to invest in one of the properties Ben and Erin recommended.

Despite the early challenges, the couple commenced renovation work. Unfortunately, the sweltering heat, exacerbated by no functioning air conditioning, didn’t allow any respite.

Renovations and Fan Reactions

Completing the renovations turned out to be a victory worth the struggle. The homeowners were highly appreciative of the finished project, especially enamored with a custom kitchen island that Erin lauded as her husband’s best creation. In a silver lining moment, the temperature finally plummeted to a more reasonable 77 degrees by the time Tena and Bob returned.

Fans were empathetic towards the Napiers’ potential backing out from the live watch-along due to their daughter’s health. Twitter was soon abuzz with messages wishing Helen a speedy recovery.

In the heart of adversity, be it an unwell child or extreme climate, the Napiers underlined their dedication to their craft. Their extraordinary effort to balance work and family life, along with their ongoing commitment to their fans, is indeed a testament to their unwavering dedication; one that guarantees the continuous love and respect from their audience around the globe.


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