Alexia Umanksy Talks about Parents Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky’s Dating Life, Separation

Key Takeaways:
– Alexia Umansky, the daughter of Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky, expressed her support for her parents’ decisions following their separation.
– Umansky called for her parents to focus on their happiness, including the possibility of dating others.
– Alexia found out about her parents’ split from People magazine before the family discussed it internally.
– Both Richards and Umansky have spoken about the potential of dating others but haven’t confirmed that they are doing so yet.

The daughter of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” stars, Alexia Umansky, has publicly endorsed her parents’ decision to begin dating other people following their separation nine months ago. Taking the issue in stride, Umansky expressed her thoughts during a recent appearance on the “Scrubbing In” podcast.

Support for Parents’ Happiness

Umanksy shared that her priority is her parents’ happiness. She reiterated during her chat with hosts Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad, that she wants her parents, Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky, to do what’s best for them even if it involves dating other people. The realtor emphasized that the underlying goal is purely to ensure their satisfaction.

Following an open conversation with her parents, Alexia underscored her open attitude towards them exploring new relationships. Despite their lengthy 27-year marriage, she saw beauty in trying something new and upheld that she would be “nice” to their future partners, and any children they might bring.

Surprised by Parents’ Separation Announcement

Interestingly, Alexia admitted that she learned about her parents’ separation from People magazine before it was discussed openly within the family. The news broke just a day before the camera crews arrived for filming their Netflix reality show, “Buying Beverly Hills.”

It was during the filming of this show that Mauricio sat apart his daughters to discuss his separation from their mother. Alexia recalls her father recalling Richards’ “rules” for separation, allowing for each other to date other people openly.

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky’s Stance on Dating

There have been multiple speculations regarding Umansky and Richards opening the doors to dating. Richards squashed rumors of her relationship with singer Morgan Wade but admitted she is open to dating during her appearance on the “Let’s Talk Off Camera With Kelly Ripa” podcast.

On the other hand, Umansky clarified in a March 2024 interview with USA Today that he is still grasping the situation and added, “One of these days I’m going to start dating, I can tell you that for sure.”

Despite the tremors this new terrain has brought forth, Alexia Umansky remains a steady source of support for her parents as they embark on their individual journey following the separation. Here’s hoping that Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky find happiness as they explore their dating lives amidst the separation.


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