Colorado Sets Precedent with NeuroData Privacy Law

Key Takeaways:

– Colorado has become the first US state to expand its privacy law to protect neural data.
– The move is aimed at preventing companies from indiscriminately collecting and selling brain activity data.
– Big tech companies have shown a growing interest in neurotechnology, with investment globally rising by 60% from 2019 to 2020.

Colorado has made an impressive stride in data privacy by becoming the first US state to extend its privacy laws to shield neural data. This groundbreaking move is aimed at preventing corporations from collecting and selling the brain activity data of its residents without full disclosure of the associated risks. This recap summarizes this momentous development.

Extension of Privacy Laws to Senseitive Neural Data

Initially, Colorado’s privacy law was designed to protect biometric data like fingerprints and facial images. However, on Wednesday, the state’s governing entities expanded the scope to cover neural data. This new development comes at a time when brain activity data is increasingly being captured and sold nationwide, with residents often unaware of the risks involved.

Neural Data: A Rising Trend in Big Tech


Big tech companies are showing increased interest in neurotechnology, incited by its booming market potential. Market analysis indicated a global investment increase of 60% in neurotechnology from 2019 to 2020. In 2021, its valuation hit a staggering $30 billion. As a result, these tech giants have geared up in developing their own products, hoping to tap into this potentially billion-dollar sector.

Meta, formerly Facebook, introduced a wristband with a neural interface to control its smart glasses in 2023. Metra has also unveiled an AI system with the potential to decode the mind. Similarly, in January, Elon Musk’s Neuralink announced the successful implantation of its first brain chip in a human. This chip gives the user the ability to control a device solely with their thoughts.

Meanwhile, Apple Insider revealed last month that Apple is developing technology that could turn the Apple Vision Pro into a brainwave reader. This technology might help users with mental health issues, training, workouts, and promoting mindfulness.

Protecting Citizens from Uninformed Data Collection


Colorado’s law expansion reflects increasing concern over privacy invasion as companies delve deeper into neurotechnology. Privacy laws are crucial to protect citizens from undue data collection, and Colorado is taking a stand against any violation of such privacy.

The rise of neurotechnology and its potential impact on privacy is evident now more than ever before. It is essential that other states and countries assess their laws and consider the standard set by Colorado to safeguard the neural data of its residents. The move presents a crucial precedent that other jurisdictions could follow to ensure comprehensive data protection in this era of rapid technological advancements.

The Colorado law expansion is a remarkable step towards improved consciousness concerning personal data collection and use. As neurotechnology continues to evolve and gain traction in our digitized world, it underscores the pressing need for enhanced privacy regulations beyond traditional personal identifiers like names, addresses, or Social Security numbers.

Let’s hope more states follow Colorado’s lead in ensuring lawful and conscious collection and use of sensitive neural data.

Source: [Arstechnica](


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