In the heart of Norcross, GA, a bustling film set prepares for the next thrilling episode of the hit television series, ‘Will Trent’, presented by the ABC network. The casting directors are in search of talented actors, models, or individuals willing to hone their performance skills in a challenging film environment. This opportunity comes with the added benefit of gaining hands-on experience in a live set atmosphere, making it a golden chance for aspiring individuals.
Understanding the Thrill of ‘Will Trent’
The ‘Will Trent’ series is a gripping depiction of the titanic struggle and triumph of Will Trent, encapsulated from Karin Slaughter’s thrilling novel series. It came to life on ABC network’s platform on January 3, 2023, and tremendous adoration and applause from the audience led to a subsequent second season that premiered on February 20, 2024. In April 2024, ABC confirmed the return of the ‘Will Trent’ series for a third time.
This police procedural crime drama is based in America and is central to the life of a character named Will Trent. Teetering through a challenging upbringing, Trent was left alone and was raised within the Atlanta foster care system.
Despite the hurdles life threw at him, including dyslexia, Trent gained fame as an outstanding Special Agent at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). His sharp observational skills and ability to solve complex cases have only spurred jealousy amidst his fellow agents.
The series takes a twisted turn when Trent gets allocated the task of investigating a corruption buzz within the Atlanta Police Department. His successful resolution leads to the arrest of several officers, causing a ripple in the administrative hierarchy, and eventually, a new resentful partner, Faith Mitchell. His personal life is no less tumultuous with an unsettled relationship with Angie Polaski, an old friend from foster care, and now an APD detective.
Applying for the Stand-In Role in ‘Will Trent’
Now, for those starstruck by the thrill of working in such a dynamic atmosphere, joining Project Casting will provide a jumping-off point of accessing potential roles in ‘Will Trent’ and other projects.
Among the roles available is a stand-in for an upcoming episode. This role requires the stand-in to pose for actors during the lighting and camera setups, participate in rehearsals, and follow the crew and director’s directions. Professionalism is an absolute must-have trait for this role.
Eligibility and Specifics for the Role
To qualify for this role, an applicant must be at least 18 years old, have similar physical characteristics to the specified role, including a height restriction between 4’5″ and 4’9″. The applicant should be adept at adapting to fast-paced changes on the set and be able to commute reliably to and from the Norcross/Atlanta region.
The job does not mandate previous acting or stand-in experience. However, it could prove advantageous. For the stand-in’s efforts, the compensation package includes $196 for a 12-hour workday. Take this opportunity to dive into the world of acting and apply today.
With this role, you can gain unparalleled exposure to a professional film environment and an essential foothold into the acting world. So why wait? Grab the opportunity and apply to immerse yourself in the scintillating world of ‘Will Trent’.
In conclusion, working on ABC’s ‘Will Trent’ series will not only offer experience but will also provide insights into the world of crime drama series production. The stand-in role is an admirable start to any actor’s career. Don’t miss this chance to be a part of the thrilling journey of ‘Will Trent’ in Norcross, GA.
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