Drew Scott Shocked by Unexpected Pregnancy: Anticipates Second Child

Key Takeaways:

– Drew Scott and Linda Phan, already parents to a son, announced they are expecting their second child.
– The pregnancy was a surprise as the couple was informed they could not conceive without IVF assistance.
– Despite the surprise, the HGTV star and his wife await the arrival of their baby, who they suspect to be a girl.
– The couple firmly believes waiting before plunging into parenthood has allowed them to become better parents.

HGTV Personality Anticipates Surprise Pregnancy

HGTV star Drew Scott and his spouse Linda Phan recently revealed they are expecting another child. The couple, wedded since 2018, are already parents to their son Parker, who is soon to be two. However, the new pregnancy apparently was as much a surprise for the parents-to-be as it is for their fans.

In a candid interview with Page Six on April 25, Scott disclosed the unexpected nature of the pregnancy. “We were told we wouldn’t be able to have kids without IVF without help,” he confessed. Defying all projected scenarios and predictions, the couple is now on their way to parenthood for the second time around.

Predicting the Baby’s Gender: It’s a Girl?

Despite being startled by the unexpected pregnancy, the couple decided to stay surprised about their unborn child’s gender. Yet, keen observation and parental intuition have led them to guess that it might be a baby girl this time. “We all think girl, we just we have no reason for it,” Scott revealed. However, they are more concerned about a healthy pregnancy and the safe delivery of their child.

Scott, who himself is a sibling to twin brother Jonathan and their older brother J.D., is absolutely thrilled for his son Parker to welcome a little sibling into his life. However, the thrilled dad-to-be also admits that juggling fatherhood with work responsibilities might be exhausting. Yet, looking at the brighter side he jests, “Do you see the bags under my eyes?”

Late Entry into Parenthood: A Blessing in Disguise?

Scott, who celebrates his 46th birthday on April 28, has joined the club of parenthood rather later than most. Nevertheless, he perceives this delay as being beneficial for him and his wife. In a candid conversation on DrewAndJonathan.com, Scott shared that the delay has worked in their favor as they were more prepared and grounded when they finally decided to embark on the journey of parenthood.

Moreover, waiting to become parents has not only allowed them to strengthen their bond but also fulfill their personal aspirations and passions. “I spent many years connecting with Linda and pursuing my young ambitions,” says Scott. Now as a father, he can now relish all the sweet nuances of fatherhood he once dreamt of.

His work commitments may often consume him, but his family is the tangible reminder of what truly matters in life. The arrival of their second child has him delighted and equally anxious. Meanwhile, professional commitments continue unabated as Scott is promoting his and Jonathan’s latest HGTV show, “Backed By The Bros,” scheduled to premiere on June 5.

In conclusion, the unexpected news of pregnancy has brought more joy and anticipation to the Scott clan as they await the addition of a new member to their family. Despite challenges, the couple stands united and excited for what’s to come, embracing together each surprise that life has in store for them.


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