MumbaI TV Commercial Seeks Female Bikers for Casting Call

Mumbai is on the lookout for a dynamic female star to feature in a new television commercial, with casting directors eagerly scouting for skilled actors, models, and talent. Filming destinations may not only be restricted to Austin, Texas, but are also set to span across the breadth of India, in the hope of finding the perfect talent.

The Perfect Candidate

The commercial producers are yearning for an actress who stands out, with the capacity to efficiently depict a young woman in her early twenties who can skillfully ride a bike. The primary goal is to amply represent a leading brand via a meaningful narration that brings forth an extensive audience engagement.

Equipped with the ability to effortlessly adapt to the director’s vision, the chosen female actor will have to display high levels of professionalism while adhering to shoot schedules.

The Envisaged Role

The actress will have the responsibility of bringing the character to life based on the script and the director’s vision. Being an essential part of the crew, she’s expected to collaborate actively with the team while maintaining a fervent dedication to rehearsals.

The role includes riding a bike as a part of the commercial shoot. Given the intricate involvement of the story in diverse locations, the actress must be open to travel across various parts of India according to the shooting schedule.

Pre-requisites For The Role

The ideal candidate would be a female, aged between 20 and 24, exhibiting strong acting skills. A knack for accepting and implementing directions, riding a bike comfortably, and holding a valid driver’s license are other prerequisites.

Although previous experience in television, films, or theater would be appreciated, it is not mandatory. The actress should also exhibit flexibility regarding availability for the shooting period.

Rewarding the Talent

In acknowledgment of the talent and dedication, the selected individual will receive competitive pay rates, aligned with the experience and role requirements. If the need arises, travel and accommodation expenses will be fully covered, with additional perks like daily allowances and appearance bonuses, depending on the budget and duration of the project.

A Chance to Shine

With this exciting opportunity, aspiring actresses across India can make their mark in the industry. By showcasing their talent and acting capabilities, they can set the stage for a promising acting career.

A Word Of Advice

Getting the right role can be a daunting task, and finding a casting call is the first step. Actors are advised to keep a lookout for opportunities and never stop honing their craft. Opportunity strikes when least expected – be it in Netflix’s ‘Cobra Kai’ Season 6, ‘Mayfair Witches’ Season 2, or a commercial for Wyndham Resort.

As the nation buzzes with this casting call, it is time for talented individuals to step up and use this platform to launch their careers. With the right skills and a bit of luck, this could be the start of an exciting journey in the world of acting.

Stay tuned and keep an eye out. India’s acting industry is ready and waiting for its next big star!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on


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