Anna Sawai Eyes DC Universe Roles Following Impressive Shōgun Stint

Anna Sawai Emerges as Hollywood’s New Star

Actress Anna Sawai, born in New Zealand and risen to fame through her remarkable performance in FX’s historical drama series, ‘Shōgun’, is destined for some big roles in Hollywood. The 10-episode series concluded recently, leaving Sawai under the spotlight for her convincing portrayal of Toda Mariko. With glowing reviews from audiences and critics, Sawai seems poised to receive serious film offers soon.

Anna Sawai’s Missed Breakthrough with Suicide Squad

A recent revelation by Sawai suggests that her breakthrough could have come earlier. She was courted for the character ‘Katana’ for the 2016 movie, ‘Suicide Squad’. But due to her ongoing commitments with her J-pop group, FAKY, she had to turn down the opportunity.

Anna shines in Versatile Roles

Despite this missed chance, Sawai demonstrated her versatility with her roles in the Monarch Legacy of Monsters series, and a powerful presence in ‘Shōgun’. Her character Toda Mariko, as avid fans will recall, was a figure of intelligence and profound depth. This character trajectory suggests that Sawai is capable of handling a variety of roles that resonate with her persona in ‘Shōgun’.

James Gunn’s Predicted Casting Moves Involving Sawai

Even though Sawai missed out on portraying Katana, there is still hope for her in the DC Universe with CEO James Gunn contemplating her casting for upcoming projects. Three specific DC Universe roles could be potential fits for her acting prowess.

Sawai as Cheshire, DC’s Mysterious Femme Fatale

Cheshire, a character renowned for her enigma and complex nature, seems like a role designed for Sawai. Given her history of delivering deceptively complex performances that exude mystery, Sawai could effortlessly step into this role.

Anna Sawai as Doctor Light, the Light Manipulator

Next, Sawai’s regal presence and captivating beauty situate her as a perfect fit for the role of Doctor Light, a superhero who can control light energy. Fans have taken to social media to voice their support for Sawai’s potential casting in this role, further reinforcing her suitability.

Lady Shiva, a Role Fit for Sawai’s Martial Expertise

Lastly, Lady Shiva, co-created by Dennis O’Neil and Ric Estrada, offers an exciting avenue for Sawai. This character is a fearless fighter with exceptional martial arts skills. Given Sawai’s knack for action-packed roles and her ability to essay intricate characters, this role seems tailor-made for her.

Final Thoughts

Sawai’s stepping stone to greatness didn’t come easy, especially with her losing the opportunity to engage with the DC Universe through Suicide Squad. But her star power is undeniably mounting. What lies ahead for her in future DC Universe productions still remains to be seen. In the meantime, Shōgun’s season finale is currently streaming on Hulu, and Suicide Squad is available on Max. Stay up to date with Anna’s journey to fame with Digital Chew.

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