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Austin-Based EdTech Company Announces $2,000+ Casting Call for Professionals

Casting Call

Casting Call

Austin – An up-and-coming educational technology (EdTech) company has announced a highly rewarding casting call. This proposal seeks to engage authentic educators and leaders from Austin, Texas, in a one-day print advertising campaign. The chosen individuals will earn over $2,000 for their participation.

Role of Educators and Leaders

The primary focus of the print shoot is to spotlight highly experienced professionals from the education sector. They will represent the brand’s products and services. The participants will play an essential role in creating specific scenes under the supervision of the production team. Candidates can expect to be engaged in wardrobe fitting sessions and receive direction from the shoot coordinator.

Qualifying for the Casting

The key requirement for interested applicants is possession of real-world experience in education. This extends to a range of roles such as public and private school teachers, daycare educators, principals, and other educational administrators. Moreover, experience in church or Sunday school teaching is also deemed relevant and applicable.

In terms of availability, applicants must commit to being present for the entire duration of the shoot and fitting sessions. Geographical convenience is a crucial factor too. Candidates should ideally be located in or near the Austin area or be willing to cover their own travel expenses to Austin for the shoot.

Event Details and Compensation

The event is scheduled to begin from June 12 and may extend till June 14, with a specific date to be confirmed. Participants will be required to be available for one day only. Details regarding the fitting sessions will be revealed to the selected candidates closer to the event date.

In terms of compensation, the company offers a session fee of $2,000 for the shoot day. Apart from this, a usage fee of $1,500 will be provided for the use of images in subsequent campaigns. Lastly, a fitting fee of $150 will be provided, leading to a total possible earning of $3,650.

Steps to Apply

If you’re an education professional interested in participating in this lucrative opportunity, it’s time to apply. The process involves joining Project Casting to access and apply for this and other similar job positions.

Why The Casting?

This casting call comes at a crucial time when the EdTech space is witnessing unprecedented growth. Filling the gap between academics and technology, the company understands the value of featuring real educators and leaders in their promotional campaigns. This portrayal creates a resonating impact, highlighting the brand’s commitment to providing effective tech-based educational solutions.

In Closing

In the light of current events, the Austin EdTech company is enthusiastic about this casting call. By inviting real educators and leaders for their print advert, they hope to propel their growth, showcase their cutting-edge products, and finally make a positive impact in the educational sector.

Take hold of this opportunity to be part of a vibrant and emerging sector. This one-day project is not only financially rewarding but also offers a chance to influence the future path of education technology.

Apply today, and be a part of this exciting venture. The future of education is here, and you have a chance to shape it.

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog

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