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Decoding the Mystery of Skywalker’s Lightsaber and the Deleted Scene in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Unveiling the Purpose of Scene Removal

The first trailer of the much-loved film ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ promised a riveting scene. It involved Maz Kanata, enacted by Lupita Nyong’o, giving the iconic Skywalker lightsaber to Leia, a character brought to life by the late Carrie Fisher. This scene, however, was noticeably absent in the finished version, sparking discussion among avid fans.

During an interview with EW in 2015, Director J.J. Abrams addressed the curiosity. He clarified that despite filming the scene, it was discarded due to its tendency to complicate the storyline.

Exploring Maz’s Role and the Enigma of the Lightsaber

Initial plotlines suggested a significant journey Maz shared with the protagonists to the Resistance base. Yet, Abrams felt Maz didn’t have a pivotal role at the base. As a result, this portion of the narrative didn’t make the cut. Instead, the final movie depicted Maz offering the lightsaber straight to Rey, Daisy Ridley’s character. Rey, however, refused to accept it, perturbed by a disturbing Force vision.

The puzzle of how Maz secured the Skywalker lightsaber remained unsaid in the film. This unsolved mystery sparked a wave of conjecture and conversation among the fan community.

Deciphering How Maz Acquired the Lightsaber in Star Wars Canon

The tale of the Skywalker lightsaber gets intriguing as Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, asks Maz how she obtained the significant weapon. Maz decides to keep this detail to herself, despite the lightsaber playing a major part in Rey’s pursuit.

To quench the fans’ curiosity, ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – The Visual Dictionary’ divulged that Maz retrieved the lightsaber from miners at Bespin’s Cloud City. This was where the lightsaber had fallen during a firefight between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

In the Marvel Canon comic ‘Star Wars #4’, the narrative is expanded further. It is suggested that Maz possibly purchased the lightsaber from an Ugnaught miner, who had found and conserved it in her wide-reaching search for invaluable artifacts.

Justifying the Removal of the Scene

The tale of how Maz procured the lightsaber is a complex one, and Leia’s inclusion would have entangled the storyline further. Additionally, since Abrams and the scriptwriters may not have initially charted out the trilogy’s complete plot, the scene between Leia and Maz was possibly removed to sidestep potential narrative obstacles.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ won worldwide praise even with the omitted scene, attaining a firm position in the hearts of its followers. Fans can now stream the movie on Disney+. With the knowledge of the backstory, they are at last able to comprehend a vital narrative question that intrigued them for ages.

In closing, the savvy handling of storytelling elements, including judicious scene deletion, have not only protected the storyline but also stoked the curiosity and engagement of the ‘Star Wars’ fan base. Unanswered mysteries like these have indeed added to the grandeur and allure of the Star Wars franchise.

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