Las Vegas Couple Files Lawsuit Against HGTV’s ‘Property Brothers’ Production Company For Shoddy Renovations

Tragic Renovation Tale: Newlyweds Versus HGTV Stars

A recently married couple from Las Vegas is suing the creators of HGTV’s renowned home renovation program ‘Property Brothers.’ The plaintiffs, Paul and Mindy King, accuse the production company of jeopardizing their health and safety due to substandard renovation practices.

In 2018, the Kings tied the knot and bought a house to begin their new journey. They subsequently entered a contract with the show’s stars, Canadian brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott. Turning their savings over to the famous duo, the Kings invested $200,000 into what they envisaged would be their dream home transformation.

Mindy King told KLAS, a local news outlet, that the couple sacrificed their honeymoon and forewent wedding rings to save for their home makeover. She openly questioned why the famous renovators are not stepping in to aid them.

Lawsuit Details Shabby Renovations

In the lawsuit lodged in the Clark County District Court, the Kings allege that production house Cineflix and Villa Construction, turned their home into a health hazard. They claim that their remodeled dwelling was left in a deplorable condition with a mould-infested dishwasher, causing potential biohazard concerns. Furthermore, it is said that their kitchen cupboards are now tainted with leaking sewage.

The couple’s issues don’t end here, though. It has been reported that their kitchen sink suddenly crashed into their island benchtop. The couple blames these issues on poor workmanship and neglect from the production company and its employed builder.

Questionable Licensing and Skills

The Kings further claimed in their lawsuit that Cineflix was unlicensed to carry out such work in Nevada, resulting in numerous health and building code violations. They also threw shade at Villa Construction, implying that the company did not have skillful experience in home renovations.

“They’re making their millions of dollars. Their fame,” Mindy King told KLAS. “They’re living their lifestyle based off of people like us, that put our trust into them.”

Awaiting Response from ‘Property Brothers’

As of this writing, HGTV “Property Brothers” stars Jonathan and Drew Scott, as well as Cineflix and Villa Construction, have not released comments about these allegations.

With their pending lawsuit, the Kings aim to stir up awareness about their looming predicament, calling for assistance and skillful expertise in rectifying their wrecked property. This story serves as a warning to potential reality television show participants; robust checks on the licensing and expertise of engaged contractors are crucial. It also raises questions about the responsibility of television personalities in ensuring quality work on their shows.



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