Raiders Eye 2025 Trade for Pro Bowl Cornerback Marshon Lattimore

Key Takeaways:
– Despite their early offseason neglect, the Las Vegas Raiders could potentially address their cornerback needs.
– Possible trade proposition could see elite cornerback Marshon Lattimore moving from the New Orleans Saints to the Raiders.
– New Orleans Saints are not actively seeking to trade Lattimore, but a lucrative deal could persuade them.
– The Raiders could get a top-tier cornerback potentially for a conditional 2025 fifth-round pick, depending on Lattimore’s playing time.

The Las Vegas Raiders had a quiet offseason when it came to reinforcing one of their most critical positions on the field – the cornerback. The team’s strategies were notably relaxed, and they avoided signing any big-name cornerbacks, a surprise considering the evident gap in their roster.

Saints’ Potential Willingness to Trade their Star Cornerback

The New Orleans Saints’ recent action in the NFL Draft 2024 raises speculation. They used a second-round pick to bring in Kool-Aid McKinstry, potentially signaling their openness to part ways with their star cornerback, Marshon Lattimore. Dallas Robinson from Pro Football Focus suggested a trade that would land Lattimore to the Raiders in exchange for a conditional 2025 fifth-round pick. This pick could upgrade to a fourth-round selection based on Lattimore’s field presence.

Robinson mentioned in his May 6 column that drafting a second-round cornerback wouldn’t have alone indicated a potential Lattimore trade. The Saints, however, restructured Lattimore’s contract this offseason, hence paving the way for a post-June 1 trade. The Raiders with their desperate need for a top-notch cornerback could benefit greatly from this prospective trade.

Youthful Pro Bowler CB Could Boost Raiders’ Defense

Marshon Lattimore has four Pro Bowl selections under his belt and at 27 remains in his prime. The only concern seems to be Lattimore’s injury history that has led him to miss a combined 17 games in the past two seasons. Robinson believes this is why a potential trade could occur at such a low price.

Lattimore has been a key player for the Saints since 2017. However, the team’s salary cap woes and his hefty five-year, $97.6 million contract could make them receptive to a worthwhile deal.

The Saints’ general manager, Mickey Loomis, clarified they weren’t proactively seeking to trade Lattimore. He, however, remained open to the idea if presented with an ‘offer you can’t refuse.’

Trade Proposal Offers High Reward for Minimal Risk

While Lattimore’s injury history poses a risk, his caliber makes him a highly desirable target for any team. By possibly parting with a conditional fifth-round pick, the Raiders stand to gain one of the league’s top cornerbacks. Given that Lattimore has only two years left on his contract, the Raiders wouldn’t be tied long-term if his health issues persist.

This potential trade deal could significantly enhance the Raiders’ secondary offerings. Despite the inherent risk of his injury history, Lattimore’s age leaves ample room for a potential recovery.

Consequently, the Raiders would gain a star cornerback for a minimal concession in return. If the deal goes through, it could propel the Raiders into having one of the top five defenses in the upcoming season.



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