‘The Huntsman’ Thriller Sets Filming Date with Star-Studded Cast

Production Kick-off

Film enthusiasts are waiting in anticipation as ‘The Huntsman,’ a promising serial thriller, prepares to begin filming in Oklahoma on May 22nd. The significant buzz surrounding a recent press release is likely due to the revealing of a star-studded cast, fostering a wave of excitement among fans.

A Stellar Cast

Shawn Ashmore, renowned for his roles in Adam Green’s ‘Frozen’ and the ‘X-Men’ series, is set to make his appearance in this thrilling cinematic endeavor. The actor will share screen time with established industry names such as Garrett Dillahunt, famous for ‘Fear the Walking Dead,’ Elizabeth Mitchell of ‘The Purge: Election Year,’ and Jessy Schram, known from ‘Unstoppable.’

The Director’s Cut

Tasked with directing this prominent cast is Kyle Kauwika Harris, who has previously impressed viewers with ‘Out of Exile.’ Under Harris’s guidance, ‘The Huntsman’ looks promising, expected to mesmerize global audiences as a unique psychological thriller depiction.

Film Adaptation of a Powerful Novel

The gripping storyline of the movie draws its inspiration from a bestselling novel by Judith Sanders, bearing the same title. The task of turning the complex narrative into a compelling screenplay fell upon Steven Jon Whritner. Ashmore is assigned the role of a subdued critical care nurse who volunteers to read for a suspect of a gruesome murder, played adeptly by Dillahunt. The intricate plot explores a series of murders, where six young women in a secluded southwestern town fall victim.

Murder Mystery Unfolding

The suspect’s wife, portrayed by Mitchell, stands vehemently in support of her husband’s innocence amid the growing scrutiny. Schram plays a dedicated detective striving to unravel the chilling mystery before escalating fatalities. The plot teases viewers with a web of unexpected twists, introducing more suspects and leading the audience on an investigative adventure filled with intrigue.

Production House

The making of ‘The Huntsman’ owes its financial backing to Frank Malinoski. Renowned production houses, Plymouth Rock Entertainment and SafeHouse Films, join forces to make the riveting narrative come to life on screen. The production team includes Steven Jon Whritner, Jacob Ryan Snovel, Nicholas Clement, and Maddison Bullock. Dillahunt, Sanders, and Malinoski also contribute as executive producers.

Director’s Insight

In speaking about the project, Director Harris shares his fascination with the screenplay, particularly how it challenges conventional perceptions. Harris is drawn to the mystery behind the motivations driving someone to commit acts of violence. He is dedicated to ensuring a film that pushes audiences to the edge of their comfort zones.

Hints at Adaptation

Frank Malinoski, praising Whritner’s screenplay adaptation, also brings up the enthralling source material by Sanders. He acknowledges the tremendous talent behind the project and their commitment to engaging, surprising, and thrilling adult audiences with a captivation story.

While the original novel by Sanders continues to be available for interested readers, the upcoming film adaptation of ‘The Huntsman’ agitates intrigue. With the release date drawing closer, film enthusiasts anticipate the powerful plot and talented cast that promise an unforgettable cinematic experience.

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on https://www.projectcasting.com/blog/news/the-huntsman/


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