Boston Red Sox Contemplates Offloading $23 Million Bullpen Duo

Key Takeaways:
– Boston Red Sox might trade major players due to their position in the American League East division.
– Professional athletes like Kenley Jansen, Chris Martin, Nick Pivetta, and Tyler O’Neill could present significant returns.
– Despite their pending free agency status, Pivetta and O’Neill may be re-signed.
– Fears of fan backlash might defer potential trades to the offseason.

Boston Baseball Giants Eyeing Player Trades

With the Boston Red Sox languishing at fourth place in the competitive American League East division, management could reconsider their strategy and trade away impending free agents. The move to revise the existing roster could bring new prospects to their team, given the potential of some players to yield impressive returns upon trade.

Players Worth Keeping an Eye on

High on the potential trade list are players like Kenley Jansen, closer; Chris Martin, set-up man; starter Nick Pivetta, and outfielder Tyler O’Neill. As acclaimed sports columnist Sean McAdam suggests, “Each one is headed for free agency, and only Pivetta and O’Neill might be under consideration to get re-signed by the organization.” This potentially leaves Jansen and Martin poised for the trade deadline this season.

Red Sox’s Expensive Duo in the Bullpen

Pivetta, who this season inked a one-year, $7.5 million contract, currently enjoys a career-best average with a 3.04 ERA from his first five starts. Alongside him, O’Neill leads in home runs and slugging percentage, earning $5.85 million from his single-season contract.

Apart from the duo, Jansen boasts leading the Red Sox bullpen in saves and comes in at $16 million in his final contract season. Martin, while leading the team in holds, also takes in $7.5 million during the final season of his contract. Calculated together, Jansen and Martin present a $23.5 million duo Boston seems ready to part with.

However, deterring the Red Sox from immediate trade could be the potential fallout with fans. McAdams acknowledges, “A late July auction might be a tough move publicly, since it would signal to some how little progress has been made in the team’s ongoing rebuild.” The sell-off could also point to Boston’s third consecutive season without reaching the postseason.

Kenley Jansen – A Hot Trade Candidate?

Jansen, touted as one of MLB’s finest closers, serves as a potential trade-off as he reaches the end of his stay with the Red Sox. While his season performance indicates a step down from his career peak with a 3.45 ERA, Jansen’s position as MLB’s active total saves leader makes him a hot candidate for contending teams.

Adding to the buzz surrounding Jansen, Katie Manganelli from BoSox Injection noted, “Rumors flew about Kenley Jansen’s future with the Red Sox organisation for much of the offseason.” With most of Jansen’s $16 million 2024 salary likely being paid by Boston, it makes him an attractive prospect for interested clubs.

In Conclusion

Caught in a difficult position, the Boston Red Sox must now make critical decisions considering their player roster. Their next moves might decide their standing in the American League East division, marking a potential turn in the team’s future. Expected trades could reshape teams and draw attention to this seasoned Boston team’s strategic abilities.



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