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Cuomo’s Criticisms on NYC Public Housing Dismissed by Mayor Adams


Ex-Gov. Cuomo’s attacking remarks on health concerns in New York City public housing have been downplayed by Mayor Adams. This follows Cuomo’s speaking engagements that many believe mark the start of his political revival after stepping down amid a sexual harassment scandal.

Cuomo’s Rhetoric Increases

Recently, Cuomo’s language has become more aggressive. His newest criticisms lay bare the high arsenic levels in the residents of a city housing project, leveling serious critiques against the NYC Housing Authority. However, Mayor Adams stated on Monday that he didn’t feel personally attacked by Cuomo’s biting remarks.

Adams Comments on Cuomo’s Criticisms

Adams, who had a professional relationship with Cuomo in the early days of his City Hall career, responded to remarks that the ex-governor made on Sunday at the First Baptist Church of Crown Heights. Cuomo elaborated on complaints from residents at Jacob Riis Houses in the East Village about the stench of their water and the presence of high arsenic levels in their system.

Cuomo’s Focus on Riis Houses

Cuomo on Sunday turned his attention to Riis Houses, a development run by the New York City Housing Authority. Increased arsenic levels were uncovered in the drinking water here in 2022, first brought to light by news outlet The City. This finding was later overturned after further tests by the company initially responsible for the water examination.

However, Cuomo implied there might be more to this story. This stems from the fact that a resident of Riis, Josefa Bonet, passed away with four times the typical limit of arsenic in her body, and another resident tested for high levels too.

The Housing Authority Response

In response to Cuomo’s critiques, the housing authority affirmed they conduct many investigations and usually attribute these incidents to a disastrous case of bureaucratic and government incompetence. However, Cuomo questioned how the arsenic found its way into the residents’ bloodstream in the first place.

NYCHA Claps Back at Cuomo

Following Cuomo’s criticism, his comments were met with heated response from NYCHA on social media. The authority’s spokesperson, Barbara Brancaccio, termed Cuomo’s allegations as false public health information and political manipulation by a desperate fallen leader.

Cuomo’s Range of Criticisms

Cuomo, a regular at Black churches recently, hasn’t stopped at criticizing Riis Houses. He’s even targeted the congestion pricing policy and handed down criticism to “pro-Hamas” protestors at colleges for threatening Jews.

Cuomo’s Polling and Potential Mayoral Run

Despite all this, Cuomo’s current polling doesn’t suggest a propitious mayoral run. A recent survey by Slingshot Strategies showed more than 50% find him unfavorable or somewhat unfavorable.


As Cuomo continues his public appearances and criticisms, it remains to be seen how these events will impact his potential political comeback. For now, his public reputation according to recent polls might serve as a roadblock.


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