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Dartmouth Doctoral Student Kexin Cai Found Dead in Connecticut River

Missing Dartmouth College student, Kexin Cai, whose disappearance sparked a days-long search, was found dead. Police discovered her body in the Connecticut River, marking a tragic end to the 26-year-old’s disappearance.

Vanished and Reported Missing

Cai, a West Lebanon resident, disappeared under unknown circumstances last Wednesday. The Lebanon Police Department promptly initiated an intensive search operation upon her official missing report last Friday. Cai’s bicycle, believed to be hers was found near a conservation area in Lebanon, driving the search team to zero in on this area.

Tragic Discovery by a Fisherman

On Monday, at approximately 4 p.m., a fisherman made a grim discovery along the Connecticut River in Windsor, Vt. Upon bringing the body ashore, they identified the deceased as Kexin Cai, as reported by WMUR. As of now, her death remains under investigation, with authorities ruling out suspicions of foul play.

A Brilliant Mind Cut Short

According to Dartmouth College’s website, Cai was not just a student, but a pivotal figure in her department. She was a doctoral candidate within the Mutual Understanding Lab in the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department. Her profound intellect was matched only by her humility, attesting to her character as an exceptionally gifted researcher.

Cai’s Collective Impact

Dean of the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, Jon Kull, shared an emotional tribute with the school community. He described Cai’s love for cats, which she often incorporated into her presentations, creating a unique signature that resonated with her peers.

Cai’s Mental Health Struggles

In an unexpected twist, Kristian Droste, Cai’s partner, revealed she had checked into the school’s health service facility amid a mental health crisis last week. From there, she was transferred to the university’s hospital, where she was released on the day of her disappearance.

Remembering Kexin Cai

Principal investigators at the Mutual Understanding Lab shared heartfelt expressions of their despair over Cai’s untimely death. Colleagues echoed sentiments of a bright academic career cut short, and a void left in the lab which will be hard to fill.

Final Thoughts

The discovery of Kexin Cai’s body not only strikes at the heart of the Dartmouth community but raises questions on mental health support in academic institutions. The exact circumstances leading to her death remain a mystery, one that will hopefully see answers in the ongoing investigation.

Cai’s story is a stark reminder of the often understated struggle budding researchers face as they carve their careers in academia. Her demise provokes a call to action towards building more robust mental health support systems within universities whilst raising awareness of this critical issue among the academic community.


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