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Pennsylvania Father Seeks Answers About Son’s Alleged Attack at School

Pennsylvania School Incident Under Investigation

A Pennsylvania father is seeking answers after his son was reportedly attacked at school. The alleged assailant is a fourth-grade student with special needs. Stephen Callahan claims that Keystone Elementary School failed to provide adequate supervision during the incident. It is currently under investigation by the Bristol Township police, the Bristol Township School District, and the Bucks County Intermediate Unit.

Alleged Incident Went Viral on Social Media

Stephen Callahan narrated the alleged incident involving his son, Grayson, in a TikTok video. The father claimed that a fourth-grade student at Keystone Elementary threw his son, causing a severe head injury and resulting in two lost teeth. This video has since gained over 6 million views, sparking public outrage and demand for answers from school officials.

Father’s Struggle Against School Administration

In the video, Callahan expressed his frustration with the Keystone Elementary administration. He claimed that the officials have been obstructing his attempts to view the security footage from the lunchroom, where the incident allegedly occurred. The school district in response stated that they are legally prevented from sharing specific information due to privacy laws protecting students in public schools.

Ensuring the Health and Safety of All Involved

Despite the controversy, Bucks County Intermediate Unit assures the public that all measures are being taken to deal with the incident. In a statement, they expressed their commitment to support all involved parties. They stated, “The health and safety of all students and team members remains a priority.”

Aftermath of the Incident

Following the traumatic experience, Grayson needed treatment at the hospital. The incident further resulted in the young boy being too frightened to attend his kindergarten graduation. Callahan revealed his son’s fear of returning to school since he’s worried something similar might happen again. Callahan stated, feeling helpless, that the situation led them to decide to homeschool Grayson for the rest of the year.

Public Reaction and Demand for Accountability

Public response to the incident has been massive, with growing calls for school accountability on student safety. Efforts to raise awareness and demand for appropriate actions from the school and related authorities have been amplified on social media platforms, most notably TikTok. The father, posting under the handle “Jawnski,” urged his followers and viewers to help spread awareness to ensure justice for his son.


As investigations continue into this troubling incident, there is a growing concern amongst the public about the safety measures in schools. The school district’s response about adhering to legal and confidentiality protocols has yet to quell the public’s dissatisfaction. The incident has not only fueled a debate on school supervision but also highlighted a need for clarity and transparency when dealing with such incidents that affect the welfare of the students.


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