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Warriors’ Possible Release of All-Star Chris Paul may Benefit Rival Lakers

Basketball News

Basketball News

Key Takeaways:
– Golden State Warriors face a $30 million decision regarding guard Chris Paul
– If released, Chris Paul could potentially join rivals Los Angeles Lakers
– Warriors’ coach Steve Kerr and General Manager Mike Dunleavy JR. show interest in retaining Paul
– Paul’s veteran leadership has significantly helped the Warriors, despite his role being reduced to the bench
– Paul’s possible signing with the Lakers is considered credible due to his close connection with Lakers’ player LeBron James

The Golden State Warrior’s Future With Chris Paul

In the run-up to June 28, the Golden State Warriors face a critical decision that may significantly impact the NBA landscape. The team must choose whether to retain or release 12-time NBA All-Star guard Chris Paul before the deadline; a decision estimated to cost a whopping $30 million. Chris Paul, revered for his veteran leadership in the Warriors, has been rumored to join conference rival Los Angeles Lakers if released.

A Possible Move to Lakers

The conjecture associating Paul with the Lakers gained traction through Eric Pincus, Bleacher Report’s salary cap expert. In a recent appearance on “Buha’s Block,” Pincus predicted the potential release or trade of Paul by the Warriors. He reiterated that, given Paul’s close relationship with Lakers’ LeBron James, and in the absence of a better offer, Paul’s move to Lakers could very well become a reality.

Pincus said, “Chris Paul will probably be a free agent. There is a reasonable chance he gets traded or just cut by the Warriors.” He further added that there’s a ‘real possibility’ of Chris Paul moving to the Lakers, a fact that could inadvertently give their rivals a massive boost.

An Advocate in Steve Kerr

Despite the financial impasse and looming trade rumors, Warriors’ coach Steve Kerr clearly expressed his desire for Paul’s return in the upcoming season. Noting how Paul’s professional demeanor and leadership have been indispensable to the Warrior’s young players, Kerr confirmed his fondness towards coaching Paul.

On April 16, after the end of Warrior’s season, Kerr expressed his hopes for Paul’s return saying, “I love coaching Chris (Paul). I really hope we bring him back next year.”

Paul’s Reduced Role and Impact

At 39, Chris Paul has performed commendably despite stepping into a reduced role on the bench after 18 seasons of starting on the field. His averages for the season – 9.2 points, 6.8 assists, 3.9 rebounds, and 1.2 steals in 26.4 minutes – hold testament to his capabilities.

Echoing Kerr’s sentiments, Warrior’s General Manager Mike Dunleavy Jr. acknowledged Paul’s significant performance during their exit interview on April 18, and stated, “we certainly have interest in bringing him back.”

Warriors’ Way Ahead

Regardless of the rampant rumors, the final outcome lies with the Warriors. The team might completely guarantee Paul’s salary if a viable trade opportunity arises during the NBA Draft. Pertaining to the financial implications, it seems plausible they may release him to save costs. However, with both Kerr and Dunleavy vouching for Paul’s return, it will indeed be interesting to see how the Warriors proceed.

The future question for Warriors to answer before June 28 – Will they lose Paul to save money or retain him acknowledging his decisive role in the team’s dynamic. Either way, the outcome of this situation promises significant implications for both the Warriors and their conference rival, Los Angeles Lakers.


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