Veteran Pitcher Kyle Hendricks Battles Rough Patch as Chicago Cubs Ponder Next Move

Key Takeaways:

– Underperforming veteran pitcher, Kyle Hendricks, is currently the focus of the Chicago Cubs’ management.
– Hendricks’ 10.57 ERA in seven starts signals a sharp contrast to his previous record and substantially higher than the rookie pitcher’s ERA.
– The struggling pitcher’s future with the club seems uncertain, creating a possible end scenario to Hendricks’ tenure with the Cubs.
– Despite these challenges, Hendricks remains optimistic about his future performance.

Examination of Hendricks’ Struggles

As the Chicago Cubs pride themselves on the stellar early performance of rookie pitcher Shota Imanaga, they find themselves grappling with the unexpectedly poor performance of their most tenured starter, Kyle Hendricks. Although previously esteemed, Hendricks, who is in his eleventh season with the esteemed baseball club, hits a low point, generating increasing concern within the team’s ranks.

So far, Hendricks has suffered a dismal 10.57 ERA over seven starts, a marked departure from his past performance. His most recent score fell to the Pittsburgh Pirates, sparking open disapproval from Cubs manager Craig Counsell. Counsell expressed a need for improved play from Hendricks, highlighting that the current performance trajectory is neither acceptable nor beneficial for the team.

The Looming Uncertainty Around Hendricks’ Tenure

Looking back at his career, Hendricks had maintained a promising 3.63 ERA over multiple games, contributing to more than 1,197 strikeouts in over 250 professional starts. His performance was instrumental in securing the Cubs’ World Series championship victory in 2016, in which he boasted a leading 2.13 ERA and bagged 16 wins.

Now, Hendricks finds himself at the crossroads, battling performance issues while being the club’s highest-paid player, following a $55.5 million extension in 2019. The veteran earned $16.5 million via a club option, augmenting the pressures that accompany his current lackluster performance. The consideration to replace him looms, worsened by a lack of viable options within the team’s current lineup.

According to Cubs reporter Taylor McGregor, future starting positions remain uncertain, adding to the unstable grounds Hendricks currently stands on. Hendricks, recently off the injured list, now faces the added burden of struggling to maintain efficacy within the bullpen amid personal hurdles and lack of high-velocity performance.

The possibility of an abrupt end to Hendricks’ tenure with the Cubs is becoming progressively apparent. Jake Misener, from Cubbies Crib, suggested that regardless of the team’s need for productive innings, the absence of alternatives might ultimately lead to Hendricks’ exit.

Remaining Hopeful in The Midst of Struggles

Despite his evident struggles, Hendricks himself remains positive about his prospects. Expressing optimism about his future performance, he noted that the focus of his early games might have been diverted. He felt that he was returning to form in his most recent games despite the intense scrutiny and critique.

Hendricks’ ability to maintain hope in these challenging times is commendable. Time will tell if this tenacity helps improve his game and solidify his position with the Chicago Cubs.



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