Broncos Eye Potential Comeback for Former All-Pro Receiver Thomas

Key Takeaways:

– Former All-Pro wide receiver Michael Thomas could reunite with Denver Broncos’ coach, Sean Payton.
– Travis Wakeman of The Sporting News suggested the career resurrection of Thomas could offer additional veteran backing for the Broncos.
– Despite playing only 20 games since 2019, Thomas could bring significant experience and talent to the team.
– The Broncos have a solid roster of wide receivers, but an addition of Michael Thomas may contribute depth and experience.

The Denver Broncos are a team reinventing themselves under the guidance of head coach Sean Payton. Travis Wakeman, a sports writer at The Sporting News, recently suggested an exciting proposition for improving the team’s roster. This entails bringing back former All-Pro wide receiver Michael Thomas to “resurrect” his career and potentially give the team an added boost of veteran leadership.

Michael Thomas: A Force on the Field

Thomas flourished in New Orleans under Payton’s coaching, pioneering successful strategies with his ability to leverage shorter routes and create strong dynamics with his team. He famously built a high-performance chemistry with quarterback Drew Brees, leading to prolific scoring stats.

Since being released by the Saints on March 13, Thomas has been largely missed on the field. Despite playing in only 20 games since 2019, sports analysts see potential in him returning to professional football. They view him as a “safety net” for teams needing a backup plan if things don’t pan out as expected.

Despite Thomas’ recent struggle to regain his footing due to injury, he established a firm reputation in his early career. During his tenure from 2016 to 2019, Thomas tallied a jaw-dropping 5,512 receiving yards and 470 receptions. This display of exceptional talent led to him being named the NFL Offensive Player of the Year in 2019. ESPN’s Jeremy Fowler further stoked the speculation of a possible reunion between Payton and Thomas.

Existing Strength in the Broncos’ Roster

Interestingly, the wide receiver lineup for the Broncos appears solid even before the speculation around Thomas. Marvin Mims Jr’, a promising second-year prospect, is seen by many, including PFF’s Bradley Locker, as set for increasing roles under Payton’s coaching.

In addition, the Broncos have invested in ex-Detroit Lions wideout Josh Reynolds with a lucrative $14 million, two-year contract. This procurement is a strategic move to provide an added experienced boost to the Broncos.

Moreover, newcomers Troy Franklin and Devaughn Vele freshly drafted in Denver’s roster add further strength. Though Sutton’s contract dispute remains unresolved, his contribution to the team cannot be discounted if the matter gets settled.

The Final Call

While Payton is expected to fine-tune the Broncos’ squad before the 2024 season’s start, time will tell if Thomas finds a place in the roster. As the team undergoes a transition phase, the former New Orleans Saints player may offer the versatility and experience that Denver seeks. However, it will ultimately be up to Payton to decide if Thomas fits into the vision he holds for the Broncos.

When it comes to professional football, strategizing and building winning teams is more complex than simply stacking up well-known faces. It requires understanding team dynamics, exploring the potential of fresh talent, and sometimes reigniting the fire of an experienced, promising player. Only time will reveal the path Denver Broncos take.



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