Anson Mount Shuts Down Rumors about Inhumans’ Return in Avengers: Secret Wars

Shakes in the Marvel Universe

Making a generous chunk of superhero and villain news, Marvel’s Avengers: Secret Wars is the hotbed of anticipatory chatter among fans. This climactic marvel adventure becomes the talk of the town, promising an ultimate face-off between the Avengers and multiverse adversaries. Anticipation peaks as names like Kang the Conqueror and Doctor Doom start flying around. However, set to become a grand spectacle, this movie won’t welcome Inhumans, and Anson Mount, playing Black Bolt, clears the air on this matter.

A Heroic Tale without Inhumans

Avengers: Secret Wars is set to roll out a star-studded superhero roster that writes the pages of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). However, what’s caught eyeballs is the absence of the Inhumans. Anson Mount, who breathed life into Black Bolt in Marvel’s Inhumans, maintains silence on rumors about him reprising his role in the upcoming movie.

The Black Bolt Legacy

Anson Mount starred as Black Bolt, leading the superhuman team in Marvel’s Inhumans series. Despite fan following, the series catapulted towards cancellation after its first season, plagued by unfavorable reviews and poor performance. The setback continued as two episodes previewed at IMAX theatres before hitting ABC’s smaller screen failed to resuscitate the show.

However, Mount’s stellar depiction of Black Bolt saw him reprise his role in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. This sparked discussions about the possibility of the Inhumans gracing the big screen.

No Return of the Inhumans

Rumors fanned by Marvel Updates hinting at the comeback of Inhumans in the forthcoming movie received a cold shoulder from Mount. Labeling the Marvel Updates a ‘click-farm,’ Mount’s sarcastic dismissal of the speculation left fans in anticipation of the Inhumans’ return to the franchise high and dry.

Black Bolt’s Silent Expression

Anson Mount’s portrayal of Black Bolt is unique due to his character’s silent nature. Any articulation, even a whispered word, would have catastrophic consequences, hence Black Bolt communicated mainly through sign language. However, the actor developed his own unique sign language for Black Bolt, given the character’s alien origin.

Marvel’s Diversity Sans Inhumans

The upcoming Avengers: Secret Wars promises fans a parade of their loved superheroes, including the X-Men and the Fantastic Four. However, Anson Mount’s Inhumans won’t be a part of the spectacle. Despite their exclusion, Marvel’s Inhumans series is available for streaming on Disney Plus.


The absence of the Inhumans in Avengers: Secret Wars is certain, yet the movie predicts a cinematic wave with other superheroes’ participation against the multiverse threats. Marvel fans need to stay tuned for more updates about the film, which is treading its path to the big screen.

So, while the Inhumans chapter closes, fans should brush aside their disappointment and look forward to an incredible cinematic experience that Avengers: Secret Wars promises to offer.

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