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Join the Roster for Netflix’s ‘Ransom Canyon’: High School Scene Casting Underway in New Mexico

Netflix’s popular series ‘Ransom Canyon’ is all set to shoot its arresting high school scenes and the casting call open for extras, mascot, parents and teachers is your ultimate chance to get into the spotlight. This venture is currently hunting for actors, models and splendiferous talent in New Mexico.

Pep Up with ‘Ransom Canyon’

The talent hunt is primarily focused on enthusiastic individuals who are keen to be integrated into the thrilling pep rally scenes. If you are someone who loves the limelight and aspires to be a part of a digital entertainment giant, this is your big break! The process to apply is straightforward. All you need to do is to jump aboard Project Casting to begin your exciting journey.

Job Opportunities Galore

The casting call for ‘Ransom Canyon’ includes roles for extras as high school students and mascots. The job also entails portraying parents and teachers in the dynamic pep rally scenes. These roles are an exciting opportunity for those seeking to get a foot in the door of the film industry or simply wanting to have some fun on a bustling set.

Roadmap for High School Student Extras

As a high school student extra, you would be expected to participate in numerous pep rally scenes. You would have to convincingly impersonator a high school student while perpetually engaging in crowd activities. Your key responsibility would be to adhere to the directions given by the scene coordinators. Let your age be within the bracket of 18-25 if you are aspiring to be an extra. A positive attitude and an ability to follow directions could land you this role!

Unleash the Mascot within You

Continuing the casting, ‘Ransom Canyon’ is also looking for someone who can nail the role of the school mascot. Are you someone who does not shy away from the crowd? Are you physically fit? If yes, then this role may just be the perfect fit for you. The role requires someone who can interact comfortably with the rest of the extras and be able to perform basic cheer routines while maintaining high energy in a mascot costume.

Embody Parents and Teachers

Lastly, for the roles of parents and teachers, the requirements are fairly basic. An ability to convincingly portray either of the roles, paired with an age of at least 18, will get you on the shortlist quite swiftly.

Compensations that Await You

The high school student extras can expect a competitive daily rate. Considering the physically demanding nature of the role, the school mascot compensation is expectedly higher. Parents and teachers can anticipate a standard daily rate for extras.

So why wait? Apply now and jumpstart your career in the film industry!

What to do Next

If you missed out on this opportunity, worry not. There are more auditions for roles in shows like Netflix’s ‘Cobra Kai’ Season 6 and ‘Wednesday’ Season 2. Also, there are other casting calls for influencers in Miami, Florida. Be sure to stay tuned for more exciting opportunities to follow in your acting career. This is just the beginning! The sky’s the limit in this thrilling industry!

For more details, visit Project Casting Blog on

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