Robert Rodriguez’s Mexico Trilogy Comes to Arrow Video in Luxury Box Set

Die-hard fans of Robert Rodriguez’s Mexico Trilogy can rejoice! The famed cinematic series, known as a testament to Rodriguez’s filmmaking genius, will soon be available in an exclusive box set from Arrow Video. This premium package contains numerous special features, insightful commentaries, recent interviews, and important deleted scenes. What’s even more exciting is that among all three movies, Desperado is prepared to undergo a stunning 4K format transformation.

Desperado’s 4K Upgrade: A Striking Attraction


The main attraction of this collector’s set is the ultimate 4K upgrade Desperado will receive. Despite the absence of a similar upscale for El Mariachi and Once Upon a Time in Mexico, the reasons behind this decision are well-founded. El Mariachi’s original, limited budget production was on a 16mm film, restricting it to a top capacity of 1080p HD resolution.

Conversely, Once Upon a Time in Mexico had a substantial funding but because it was one of the first movies to use HD digital filming, its highest resolution is also 1080p. However, Desperado, being shot on a 35mm film format, has all the required elements for an unparalleled 4K upgrade.

The Detailed Look into the Box Set


This special box set offers a lot more than just the 4K edition of Desperado. Disc 1, containing El Mariachi, is a Blu-ray disc offering original uncompressed Latin American Spanish stereo audio, an English dub, and subtitles for those who are hearing impaired. Additionally, the disc carries a brand-new featurette focusing on the musical aspects of El Mariachi.

The collection also comes with Rodriquez’s teaching presentation and a short film from 1991 named Bedhead. For those who love good old trailers, the package doesn’t shy away from including some theatrical ones.

The luxury continues with the second and third discs featuring Desperado in Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray formats. You can expect a fresh 4K refurbishment from the original film negatives by Sony Pictures. Plus, there are new interviews with key behind-the-scenes figures like Rodriguez, producer Bill Borden, and stunt coordinator Steve Davison.

The series wraps up with the fourth disc that carries Once Upon a Time in Mexico. It is a Blu-ray offering original DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround and 2.0 stereo audio. As for special features, this disc includes eight deleted scenes and several archive features.

Save the Release Date


Jam-packed with exclusive features and dazzling resolution upgrades, this box set is bound to captivate action cinema admirers globally. For those who have been a fan of this classic trilogy, be sure to mark August 27th on your calendars for its official release in the US and Canada. Get ready to relive the magnificent journey of the acclaimed Mexico Trilogy by Robert Rodriguez and experience the action in ultramodern quality!

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