New York Battles Anti-Abortion Extremists Over Equal Rights Amendment

The Fight to Protect Reproductive Rights in New York

New York is in the throes of a challenging fight to protect reproductive rights amidst an aggressive campaign by anti-abortion extremists. A pivotal milestone surfaced in 2022 when the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, empowering states to define their own abortion laws and leaving individuals’ reproductive autonomy at the mercy of the political climate.

Complacency Poses a Risk

The overturning of Roe provided a harsh reminder that complacency can engender serious risks where reproductive rights are concerned. Many New Yorkers may feel their state is safe from such sweeping changes, but the stark reality that Roe fell despite widespread belief to the contrary has served as a wakeup call. There is a golden opportunity to rectify this in the upcoming November election.

Legal Roadblocks to the NY ERA

In a bid to further limit reproductive rights, anti-abortion extremists recently filed a lawsuit to block the New York Equal Rights Amendment (NY ERA) from appearing on the ballot. The NY ERA seeks to incorporate constitutional protection for the right to abortion, provoking backlash from abortion opponents.

Unyielding Efforts of Anti-Abortion Extremists

This legal attack by anti-abortion extremists, aimed at blocking NY ERA from the ballot, underscores the lengths they will go to undermine reproductive rights. From the overturning of Roe to imposing stringent abortion bans nationwide, these extremists have relentlessly endeavored to strip individuals of their bodily autonomy.

New York Legislature Steps Up

Thankfully, New York’s Legislature stepped up to the challenge, passing a legislation to include the NY ERA on the election ballot. If New Yorkers affirm the amendment come November, it will create an impervious fortress against any governmental intrusion on reproductive rights, including abortion.

Discrediting the Opposition

The lawsuit launched by anti-abortion extremists seeks to invalidate NY ERA on the grounds that the Legislature did not follow due process. Yet, history shows the same process paved the way for 18 other amendments to reach the ballot. Despite assertions that the amendment was pushed hastily, records indicate the NY ERA was introduced in 2019 and underwent two rounds of legislative voting over two years.

Plain Truth: The Protection of Rights and Freedoms

The central objective of the NY ERA opponents remains preventing New Yorkers from voting to safeguard their rights. Anti-abortion radicals worry that the affirmation of the NY ERA would foil their efforts to rollback these hard-earned rights.

Grappling with a Fragile Upholding of Rights

Reproductive rights are hanging by a precarious thread. At least 21 states have enacted abortion bans since Roe was overturned and anti-abortion radicals haven’t stopped there; medication abortion and emergency care for women experiencing perilous pregnancy complications have also come under fire.

Dire Need for Constitutional Protections

Without constitutional coverage, a single legislation could strip New Yorkers of their reproductive freedoms. The urgency of the situation is underscored by notably anti-abortion candidates coming within a hair’s breadth of occupying the Governor’s Mansion in 2022. For only eight of the past 58 years has the state Legislature been controlled by officials supportive of the right to abortion.

Lessons from Around the Nation

States like Alabama, Arizona, and Texas provide painful reminders of the consequences should the NY ERA not withstand the current legal challenge. These states have witnessed their own reproductive freedoms whittled away by legislation and court manoeuvres targeting not only abortion, but also IVF and birth control accessibility.

Call to Action: Protect Rights in November

The most recent legal assault against the NY ERA serves as a resounding clarion call for New Yorkers to rise and protect their rights. Despite the looming threat, there is confidence that this lawsuit will fail and that come November, New Yorkers will have the opportunity to ensure their rights and reproductive freedoms are unalterably protected.



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